Doctors Predict Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases From COVID Jabs

Based on data from across the world, it’s beyond clear that the COVID shots are the most dangerous drugs ever deployed. If you already got one or more COVID jabs and are now reconsidering, you’d be wise to avoid all vaccines from here on, as you need to end the assault on your body. Even if you haven’t experienced any obvious side effects, your health may still be impacted long-term, so don’t take any more shots.

If you’re suffering from side effects, your first order of business is to eliminate the spike protein — and/or any aberrant off-target protein — that your body is producing. Two remedies shown to bind to and facilitate the removal of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. I don’t know if these drugs will work on off-target proteins and nanolipid accumulation as well, but it probably wouldn’t hurt to try.


Tom: Here is the data I have collected over the past 4 years on substances that are mooted or proven to help detox from spike proteins:

Covid Jab Recovery Protocol

And my Anti-Spike blend I have prepared for those who do not have the time or inclination to source and mix together dozens of ingredients: