One of the simplest, cheapest, easiest and most workable solutions I have ever found. Try it.
Scientific Studies Confirm: Rising CO2 Levels ARE NOT Responsible For Climate Change
Though most of the world blames the fossil fuel industry for the increase in CO2, the fact is more than half of greenhouse gas emissions are coming from the animal agricultural industry.
When you have these studies, plus 97% of peer-reviewed climate science papers agreeing that humans are causing global warming, it is next to impossible to logically disagree. You would seem foolish to go against thousands of scientists.
They are, however, wrong. They are promoting an agenda.
Note: This article is not written to support what the fossil fuel or animal agriculture industry are doing to the planet. They are absolutely reeking havoc, death, and devastation, and they must be stopped.
The purpose of this article is to explore the truth behind what is happening to our planet, and what is causing it.
Skewed Results
Nurse of 30 years retires after seeing newborn babies routinely harmed by the NICU Vaccine
Both whistleblowing nurses and a respected medical journal stated that at the two month marker, when some of the NICU infants should still be in their mother’s womb, the six CDC-mandated vaccines rapidly degrade the health of the infants. The current program of vaccinating every newborn at birth and with another round of vaccines at two months does not take into account the severely underdeveloped and vulnerable preemies. In addition, the combined toxic adjuvant load upon a premature infant’s body is being confirmed to cause a range of physiological challenges simply ignored by the current US medical system.
Polio Data
Some of this I had seen before, some not.
Big Pharma Co. Has License Suspended As Vaccine Sterilizes 500,000 Girls
A Big Pharma company who manufactured a vaccine allowing for a state-sponsored forced sterilization of over 500,000 girls in Africa has had its licence revoked.
Your Problem Is You Are Paying Attention
If this applies to you, take a walk until you feel better!
Paul Craig Roberts on Identity Politics
According to news reports NBC has cancelled Megyn Kelly’s program for making “insensitive comments” while participating in a panel discussion on the appropriateness of blackface in Halloween costumes. Here is what she said: “Truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who put on whiteface for Halloween. When I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing up as like a character.” She added, “I don’t know how that got racist on Halloween.”
It is beyond understanding what is offensive about what she said. She stated that it had become a no-no for the black and white races to impersonate one another even in fun and she didn’t know why. I don’t either. Do you? It makes no sense.
We seem to have reached a point where any statement can be claimed by a member of a “victim group” to be offensive. Saying anything has become risky.
It doesn’t just happen to celebrities with multi-million dollar incomes like Megyn Kelly. It happens to everyone. For example, Joshua Sutcliffe, a young math teacher in Oxfordshire, England, accidently included a “transgender student,” who apparently is female but identifies as a male, when he congratulated his class with the words “well done girls.” The female who identifies as a male but doesn’t look like one, unbeknownst to the teacher regarded herself as a male and complained about his “female-gendered words.” The school suspended him for “misgendering” a student.
Who gave the tiny group of people, who until recently were almost universally regarded as oddballs outside the domain of everyday life, the right to ruin the careers and lives of people who use the ordinary language that we all grew up with? Who gave these people power over the way the rest of us speak? Why should they have this power? it makes no sense whatsoever. It is evidence of a culture that has lost all respect for truth and all confidence it itself.
Megyn Kelly had no intention to offend anyone and neither did the math teacher. He was giving a compliment. Yet retribution falls on their heads as if they had committed some major felony when they have done nothing whatsoever but speak honestly.
I have written about how science itself is being destroyed by Identity Politics, especially by radical feminist professors who are unwilling to accept the scientific fact that there are biological differences between males and females. You can find the articles on my website.
In the Unz Review Lance Welton in his article, “It’s Official: Even Hard Science Entering New Dark Age,” reports that radical feminists have come up with terms such as “scientific racism” and “scientific sexism” and use the terms to have peer-reviewed published papers deleted from scientific publications. One can only wonder why editors of scientific publications allow emotional and ignorant feminists to censure science exactly as it was censured by the Catholic Church during the era of controversy whether the sun orbited the earth or the earth orbited the sun. The obvious conclusion is that science has lost confidence in itself and is willing to submit to rule by Identity Politics.
Welton provides several examples of science ruled by emotion. Professor Alessandro Strumia, a physicist associated with the world’s largest particle accelerator, has been suspended from his important work. Alessandro said, truthfully, that physics was “built by men” and that today men are being discriminated against in physics education and appointments, because of the push to have an equal number of male and female physicists.
I know for a fact that both of Alessandro’s statements are absolutely correct. But being absolutely correct is what dooms you in Identity Politics. The last thing a “victimized person” intent on demonizing a white male cares about is truth.
Welton also reports the case of American mathematician Ted Hill, who investigated the “Genetic Male Variability Hypothesis,” which is that males are over-represented at the extremes of high and low IQ. In other words, males are disproportionally the smartest and the dumbest.
Feminists lost it. The findings violated their ideology, which has no basis in any known science, that the genders are equally bright and equally dumb.
Hill’s paper was peer-reviewed and pubished by one journal and then taken down under feminist pressure. It was then peer-reviewed and published in another journal and then taken down.
Scientists working in the field of human genetics are finding that it is not permissible for them to publish their findings that there are genetic race differences in intelligence and other human attributes.
The only conclusion that a sane and rational person can come to is that the Western World is insane. Western science is collapsing under the ideological pressure of Identity Politics.
So why do the Russians want to join the West? Is Russia intent on being part of the collapse of scientific civilization?
Will the Russian government ever realize that their “partners” in the West are insane beyond the meaning of the word?
Survival Versus Longevity Nutrients
While ALL nutrients play an important role in your body, a functional classification differentiation was recently suggested by Dr. Bruce Ames of the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute in Oakland, CA and published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
“It is proposed that proteins/enzymes be classified into two classes according to their essentiality for immediate survival/reproduction and their function in long-term health: that is, survival proteins versus longevity proteins. As proposed by the triage theory, a modest deficiency of one of the nutrients/cofactors triggers a built-in rationing mechanism that favors the proteins needed for immediate survival and reproduction (survival proteins) while sacrificing those needed to protect against future damage (longevity proteins). Impairment of the function of longevity proteins results in an insidious acceleration of the risk of diseases associated with aging. I also propose that nutrients required for the function of longevity proteins constitute a class of vitamins that are here named “longevity vitamins.” I suggest that many such nutrients play a dual role for both survival and longevity. The evidence for classifying taurine as a conditional vitamin, and the following 10 compounds as putative longevity vitamins, is reviewed: the fungal antioxidant ergothioneine; the bacterial metabolites pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) and queuine; and the plant antioxidant carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, a- and ß-carotene, ß-cryptoxanthin, and the marine carotenoid astaxanthin. Because nutrient deficiencies are highly prevalent in the United States (and elsewhere), appropriate supplementation and/or an improved diet could reduce much of the consequent risk of chronic disease and premature aging.”
As their name implies, survival nutrients support your body’s basic processes of survival and reproduction.
Longevity nutrients are aimed at encouraging the body’s efforts to remain healthy and free of disease, and live for an extended period of time!
Although the researchers identified 30 nutrients that help sustain longevity, the key superstars are: Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and selenium.
The researchers stated that these nutrients play many essential roles in the body, including repairing DNA, maintaining cardiovascular health, supporting the immune system and preventing cellular damage due to oxidative stress.
Dr. Ames explained, “The prevention of the degenerative diseases of aging is a different science than curing disease: it will involve expertise in metabolism, nutrition and biochemistry…”
These include lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene.
Is your body getting enough?
Now the next logical question is: Are you getting enough of these longevity nutrients?
Well, chances are high that you may be lacking.
Deficiencies in both Vitamin D and Omega-3 are rampant in our society. Many of us lack Vitamin D due to limited time in the sun and sunscreen use.
Our diets don’t provide the level of Omega-3 essential fatty acids that they used to. The formerly pasture fed animals which provided a rich source of Omega-3 fats when we ate the meat, milk and eggs from the animals are now fed a grain-based diet. In the US they are often fed GMO grains to boot!
These animals now not only DON’T provide Omega-3 fats, but also instead load our bodies with inflammatory Omega-6 fats!
Also working against us is the fact that our food is simply not as nutritious as it used to be due to bio-engineering of crops and poor soil quality.
Suicide fear over “weapons grade” technology being tested in Cornwall
Now organisations, including Cornish group Villagers Against Masts (VAM), have launched campaigns to call for greater scrutiny of mobile phone technology and coverage, citing serious concerns over health risks, especially mental health. Jane Harvey, founding member of VAM, says she has deep concerns about the amount of masts needed for 5g network. Jane cites a spate of suicides at Bristol University. Over the last year or so, they have had an unprecedented number of students committing suicide. Bristol University has it’s own 5g network surrounding the uni. They use it to trial driverless cars etc.
After I posted this link on Facebook a friend wrote:
Jim Kalaitzis Being a sound engineer, and an electronics technician by trade, certain frequencies have certain effects on organic bodies and minds…
My research and studies has convinced me that this new 5G technology is not only a mental health risk, but it also has a strong potential in creating tumours in people…
This is dangerous stuff and we should not be used as guinea pigs as such appears to be so…
Beware. Research this issue and get informed of these health risks… DO NOT take things for granted.!