Parliamentary Report on CSG Mining

From Lock The Gate Alliance:

Dear Tom,

Well, this is huge.

A scathing report into coal seam gas (CSG) has just been released by a NSW Parliamentary Committee*. It reveals that the government has FAILED to implement the NSW Chief Scientist’s recommendations on CSG.

The report found only 2 of 16 recommendations for the controversial CSG industry have been implemented, despite having had five years to get the job done.

The new report states that the environmental damage from CSG is uninsurable and that landholders will have to carry the risk.

We can’t accept this. Can you ring the Deputy Premier of NSW and leader of the Nationals John Barilaro, and tell him he needs to stick up for the bush and stop CSG?

Right now the NSW Government is in the final stages of assessing the controversial Narrabri CSG project which plans to drill 850 CSG wells right through the water recharge zone of the Great Artesian Basin.

We can’t let them push this disastrous project through – not when they’ve failed to put in place the measures the NSW Chief Scientist demanded, not when we now know that CSG is ‘uninsurable’.

Farmers across north-west NSW are calling for an immediate halt to any further assessment of the Narrabri CSG project in light of this scathing report.

Can you join them? Your quick message on the phone could be the call that tips the balance and forces the Government to pay attention. So far the calls have really helped.

The Deputy Premier and NSW Nationals leader John Barrilaro is under pressure on this. He needs to get the message that the community will not rest until this project is stopped.

Farmers and Traditional Owners in the region have opposed this project for almost a decade now. They have never wavered.

Can you add your voice to theirs and call John Barilaro now on (02) 8574 5150. This is a crucial moment. Here are some tips to help you make the call.

Thank you for taking this action with us,

Margaret Fleck

You can read the full report by the Parliamentary Committee here:

Ps If you haven’t yet signed the petition to stop the Narrabri gasfield and back renewable energy for north-west NSW, you can do it now!

Lock the Gate Alliance

Latest On Australian High Court Case Filed Against Australian Government Coercive Vaccinations

Through God’s Grace this Case has been successfully filed with the High Court of Australia.

The successful filing has occurred through a process known as EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO ISSUE OR FILE (High Court of Australia Form 31)

The continuing process now is that in the next period, most probably measured in weeks, the Matter will be examined by a Justice of the High Court of Australia.

The Justice (Judge) will then make a Judgement on the Matter.

Thank you particularly to all of you amazing powerful Women and Mothers who have enabled this, especially to Dr Judy Wilyman.

Without Judy’s amazing skills and determination this Matter could never have been filed.

All Members of the Australian Parliament have individually been emailed the details of this Case as have the Media.

This information has also been sent to and accepted by the The Australian Parliament Senate Select Committee on Autism – Inquiry into the services, support and life outcomes for autistic people in Australia

Feel free to distribute this information as you wish.

May God be with us.

Love and peace,

Sol 🙂

Coronavirus – How To Boost Your Immune Response to a Viral Infection

Coronavirus Update 16 Sleep

A 20 year research reveals sleep is the easiest, cheapest and most reliable way to boost the ability of your body to fight a virus. Sleep deprivation sets you up to be more adversely impacted by a viral infection. May be this is why the overworked, underslet health professionals in China have a 94% infection rate of Coronavirus.

00. Get enough sleep (it builds the immune system).

0. Fast (feed a cold, starve a fever).

1. Dramatically reduce or eliminate sugar (the immune system is compromised for hours after ingesting sugar).

2. Dramatically reduce or eliminate wheat (it is inflammatory and toxic to your health).

3. Dramatically reduce or eliminate processed foods (they are inflammatory and most contain toxins) and increase your consumptions of vegetables and some fruit.

4. Increase your intake of vitamin C. (I take 5 grams a day. A virus is more effectively combatted by C than most other things.)

5. Increase your vitamin D3 intake (reputed to boost the immune system).

6. Increase your vitamin K2 intake (otherwise the D3 can cause hardening of the arteries).

7. Start taking some black seed oil.

8. Get rid of the fluoride and chlorine from your water.

9. Start taking iodine to boost the immune function of the thyroid gland.

10. Improve/increase your protein intake. (The immune system is highly dependent on Protein. Here’s my best shot at that:

11. If you want to take it next level, here are 72 ingredients combined with that purpose in mind:

12. Get one or more bottle of colloidal silver (the US Dept of agriculture found that people with colloidal silver in their system survived the Ebola virus.)

Canadian health officials look to China for lessons in how to prepare for COVID-19

Incubated Patient

On Tuesday, Dr. Bruce Aylward, an epidemiologist and an assistant director-general for the World Health Organization (WHO), spoke in Geneva about his recent visit to China as the lead of an independent team of experts who examined the COVID-19 outbreak, which has sickened more than 78,000 and killed more than 2,700 in the country’s mainland. Nearly four per cent of medical workers in China have become infected.

Eating mushrooms may dramatically cut risk of cognitive decline

Cooked Mushrooms

Tom: I have 8 varieties of muchrooms in my tops bars and powers, for good reason!

Mushrooms have remarkably high amounts of two potential antiaging antioxidants. In a six-year study, researchers from the National University of Singapore found that seniors who ate just two portions of cooked mushrooms a week were half as likely (than those who ate mushrooms less than once a week) to have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The association was independent of age, gender, education, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, physical activities, and social activities.