Past 485 Million Years of Climate Data Confirm Earth Coolest It’s Ever Been

Global Mean Surface Temperatures

“Life on Earth has endured climates far hotter,” WaPo article admits.

A brand new study published Thursday in the journal Science confirms that we live in the coolest time it’s ever been on Earth over the last “485 million years.”

The findings add important context to the so-called “climate change” debate plagued by alarmism and exaggeration.

A timeline featured in the study represents “the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced,” The Washington Post (WaPo) reports.

“Created by combining more than 150,000 pieces of fossil evidence with state-of-the-art climate models, it shows the intimate link between carbon dioxide and global temperatures and reveals that the world was in a much warmer state for most of the history of complex animal life,” the WaPo article explains.

The study also made clear that “the conditions humans are accustomed to are quite different (cooler) from those that have dominated our planet’s history.”

“Life on Earth has endured climates far hotter” than the one people experience today.

The study authors showed Earth’s average temperature once reached 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit, much higher than last year’s 58.96 degrees.

“At its hottest, the study suggests, the Earth’s average temperature reached 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) — far higher than the historic 58.96 F (14.98 C) the planet hit last year,” WaPo points out.

The timeline provided by the authors depicts how the Earth is currently in a much cooler climate compared to earlier periods.

A Well Written Call To Climate Reason

Chris Martz writes on X:

Here’s my story. I have been studying climate change for over six-years, and became so interested in it that I decided to pursue a meteorology degree which I complete next year.

When I first embarked on this journey, I started out as a casual believer in the mainstream narrative. I wouldn’t have called myself a “climate doomer” per se, but if not that, I was certainly an alarmist. I thought that climate change was a very serious problem. I was worried about the weather, thinking that it was more extreme than it has ever been in history. I thought that wickedly warm December in 2015 was unprecedented, living in blissful ignorance of the fact similarly mild Decembers occurred in 1889, 1932, 1964, 1965 and 1982. I thought Hurricane Harvey was also unprecedented, not knowing that we have had far more intense hurricane strikes in the past such as Camille (1969) and Labor Day (1935). I was a total dork blindly accepting whatever was spoon-fed to me.

Then one day, I came across my friend Tony Heller’s YouTube channel. Soon after, Joe Bastardi’s page. The two of them know our weather history better than anyone else and it’s not even close. And, I sat down, I listened to what they had to say, and they put things into some much-needed perspective. I then, and only then, began to question what I was taught about the weather becoming more extreme as a result of carbon dioxide emissions. Then I began to think for myself, I began to research. I didn’t divert my thinking to other people, I dove headfirst into the data. Bought books, read through the literature (not the Washington Post headlines) and I educated myself.

The weather we observe today is really no different than it was 30, 50 or 100-years ago and the coupled, non-linear ocean-atmosphere system is far more complex than many scientists make it out to be. The more I research, the less concerned I am. Sure, we impact the environment around us, and that includes the climate. But, this idea that we’re in a “climate crisis” just isn’t a scientifically supportable statement. The human condition has never been better than it is today, and that is largely thanks to fossil fuels. And, life without reliable and affordable energy such as oil and natural gas is cold, dark and short.

And, perhaps a more startling revelation is that most climate activists are Marxists masquerading as environmentalists. They advertise as being “green” on the outside, but in reality, they are red on the inside. Watermelons, if you will. It wasn’t apparent to me at first, but through my interactions with these green energy scammers on this platform and in real life, I’ve come to find that the entire movement is just smoke and mirrors for an authoritarian agenda that my values do not align with. I made the mistake of thinking that these people had a common goal of finding truth by means of the scientific method. I gave them an inch, they demand a mile. There’s no meeting in the middle with these people. They are champions of DEI until it comes to diversity of opinion. They’re disgusting, vile and dangerous.

Ever since becoming vocal about my position, I have faced threats from hundreds of climate activists. They write into my university emailing my professors trying to get me kicked out before I finish my undergraduate degree. They engage in extortion trying to get me to absorb back into the fold, or else they’ll make sure my career is ruined. They’ve been unsuccessful, and I’m not concerned. But, it just goes to show the lengths these people will go to in order to achieve the outcome they want. They see me, a 21-year-old college student, as a threat to their house of cards. They don’t like that someone so young can see through their buIIshit and is actively educating young people on these matters.

If there is anyone out there who is on the fence on the issue, I encourage you to keep an open mind. Get your information from a wide array of sources and follow people with differing perspectives, and form your own educated conclusion. But, remain open to new ideas. I am told that my judgement is clouded, but my views changed upon a second close examination of the data. I encourage others to do the same.

Like ‘walking through the woods of millions of years ago’: ancient ecosystem brimming with dinosaur tracks discovered in Alaska

Dinosaur Footprints and Fossilized Tree Stump

The team also used the formation to learn more about the ancient Arctic’s warm and wet climate. By calculating the mean annual precipitation from wood fragments, they found that the Arctic dinosaurs lived in a climate similar to that of modern-day South Florida.

“The temperature was much warmer than it is today, and what’s possibly more interesting is that it rained a lot,” Fiorillo said. “The samples we analyzed indicate it was roughly equivalent to modern-day Miami. That’s pretty substantial.”

(Tom: This adds credence to the hypothesis that a pole shift occurs every 10-11,000 thousand years that causes the equator to go what we presently consider north/south through Antarctica and the Arctic.).

Further analysis of data from Berkeley Earth clearly indicates that climate change in the period 1860 to 2020 is driven by the sun

Greenland Temperatures

This analysis provides further evidence that it is solar activity that is the dominant driver of the climate change seen during the period 1860 to 2020. The “fingerprint”, trend and influence of the 11 year solar cycle activity is obvious (Fig 1) and the monthly temperature anomaly variations (Fig 2 a & b) are clear evidence that the sun’s cycles and orientation are highly influential. My previous article highlighted the temperature changes over the entire period as attributable to the Milankovitch cycles. I had failed to identify that there are other solar cycles, specifically the 11 year cycle. The hypothesis offered by Professor Henrik Svensmark offers a plausible explanation of why these solar cycles are a key component of climate change. Factors that impact short term trends of the earth’s climate are probably far more complex than identified here.

In conducting a literature search on this subject, I came across an article from a NASA climate modeller (6). This article highlighted the various failures to find evidence in the temperature record of the 11 year solar cycles. Consequently, anthropogenic global warming was alive and well. Well, it turns out the solar cycle signal was loud and clear as they were just looking in the wrong way and the wrong place.

The good news for mankind is that the impact of carbon dioxide at the current levels, and therefore the burning of fossil fuels appears to be almost “nett zero”.

The “amazing tale” of how three billionaires plunged the world into climate catastrophism

Michael Bloomberg

Do you think that the constant catastrophising of weather and climate in the mainstream media, politics and science has just appeared by accident? Over the last few years, the BBC and the Guardian, as of one mind, decided to float improbable ‘tipping point’ scares under cover of ‘scientists say’, while UN officials concluded that we had two years to save a ‘boiling’ planet and the ubiquitous ‘Jim’ Dale has been given free rein to make it up as he goes along on Talk TV and GB News. Of course all this didn’t suddenly happen. Each of these examples is testament to an extraordinary corruption of the true scientific process – an “amazing tale” according to political science writer Roger Pielke Jnr., “a story of how wealth and power sought to shape climate science in pursuit of political goals”.