Please check out the alternatives to the treasonous Liberal/Labor/Greens that got us into our current mess. This is one:

Dear Tom,

Elections in Victoria, NSW and nationally will all be decided by May next year

There has been a groundswell of support for minor parties such as the Liberal Democrats over the last four general elections. Many people find it difficult to choose between Labor, Labor-lite and the Greens.

This has resulted in the Senate and upper houses of the Victorian, NSW and WA parliaments having a number of minor party members who, at times, hold the balance of power. The Liberal Democrats are represented in the federal Senate and the WA upper house.

The Liberal Democrats are determined to put further pressure on governments pursuing our party principles of small government, lower taxation, reduced spending and personal freedom.

What does this really mean?

Smaller government – winding back government by reducing the size of the public service, less interference in people’s lives, plus less red tape and regulation
Lower taxation – a fairer, flat tax system that leaves more of your money in your pocket
Reduced spending – this means actively reducing spending of taxpayer funds on unnecessary grants, programs, agencies and government boondoggles
Personal freedom – crushing the nanny state so that state and federal governments leave us to choose how we live our lives. If we are not causing harm to anyone else, the government should not be interfering.

For more of our long-standing principles and policies, see here

This November the Liberal Democrats will be fighting a state election in Victoria, in March next year we will fight a state election in NSW, and we will fight a federal election by mid-May.

We will be campaigning in all states and need your help to get us across the line.

The party has done a great job quadrupling its membership since I was first elected in 2013. It has also upgraded its community engagement, database systems and established a fundraising program to support its aims of gaining representation in each state.

Yours sincerely,

David Leyonhjelm

Liberal Democrats National President

P.S Please listen to this short message I recorded and consider an investment in the future of the country.

What Men and Women Need to Know About Testosterone

Active Seniors

We’ve previously explored the importance of testosterone in depth. It provides energy and zest for life, increases muscle mass and decreases fat, and improves libido and sex performance. As your testosterone levels drop over time, all of those benefits do a 180 and go into the negative. In other words, you start aging at an accelerated rate. Today, however, we’re going to look at some different aspects that weren’t covered in that newsletter. We’re also going to examine the issue of free VS bound testosterone in more detail. And we’re then going to look at some recent studies and what they have to say about the benefits and risks of actual testosterone supplementation–as well as the truth behind them. And finally, we’re going to take a look at how, in most cases, you can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks associated with testosterone supplementation by instead reactivating your body’s ability to produce its own testosterone and optimizing your levels of bioavailable testosterone VS adding testosterone with a doctor’s prescription.

Prostate Health

Prostate Health

Prostate health, what is it and should you care? Yes absolutely you should care! Did you know that 50% of western males 50 years and over experience the symptoms of an enlarged prostate? This is primarily due to hormonal changes taking place in the body, as it ages, which causes the prostate to enlarge (This is one theory among a few).

Fortunately, if you’re experiencing symptoms of prostate enlargement it does not always mean that you have prostate cancer. Most likely it will be a benign enlargement, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, please see your doctor asap.