Doc Malik Interviews Andrew Brigden

UK MP Andrew Bridgen just dropped this bombshell on a stunned Doc Malik: ‘Rishi wants…we are actually at war with Russia now …they just haven’t told you.’ Russia knows it as confirmed to Bridgen by the Russian Ambassador. Rishi has told the globalists he doesn’t want to be ‘a war time Prime Minister’. The plan is to inform the public around July/August.

(Tom: This is something to push back against with all your might! Very well worth while writing or calling your MP to stop this insanity.)

Nanoplastics Linked to Heart Attacks and Stroke

Nanoplastics — particles less than 1 micrometer in size, or 1,000th the average width of a human hair — have emerged as a significant environmental concern due to their widespread prevalence and potential health hazards to humans and wildlife alike. These microscopic fragments result from the degradation of larger plastic debris and can also be manufactured directly for various applications.

Nanoplastics have become ubiquitous in ecosystems around the world, from urban waterways to remote oceanic and terrestrial environments. Their pervasive presence is attributed to the widespread use and disposal of plastic materials globally.

The environmental contamination is so severe, many foods now contain them, including chicken, pork, seafood, beef and plant-based meat alternatives, whether processed, minimally processed or unprocessed. The more processing a food has undergone, however, the more plastic it contains.

Researchers estimate that Americans consume up to 3.8 million pieces of micro- and nanoplastics per year from protein alone. The reason for this is because meats are packaged in plastic.

Recent research has also confirmed the presence of microplastics in all samples of infant formula tested (30 in all). The most frequently identified plastics were polyamide, polyethylene, polypropylene and polyethylene terephthalate. According to the authors, children fed exclusively infant formula likely consume an average of 49 microplastic particles per day.

Keep reading for steps you can take to reduce their intake and effect on you.

Multivitamins Improve Memory and Slow Cognitive Aging

…meta-analysis of three separate cognition studies provides strong and consistent evidence that taking a daily multivitamin, containing more than 20 essential micronutrients, helps prevent memory loss and slow down cognitive aging.

Tom: This will come as no surprise to those who know just how much the nutrient level of farmed produce has declined in the last 80 years.

This next from

A landmark study on the topic by Donald Davis and his team of researchers from the University of Texas (UT) at Austin’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry was published in December 2004 in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. They studied U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional data from both 1950 and 1999 for 43 different vegetables and fruits, finding “reliable declines” in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C over the past half century. Davis and his colleagues chalk up this declining nutritional content to the preponderance of agricultural practices designed to improve traits (size, growth rate, pest resistance) other than nutrition.

“Efforts to breed new varieties of crops that provide greater yield, pest resistance and climate adaptability have allowed crops to grow bigger and more rapidly,” reported Davis, “but their ability to manufacture or uptake nutrients has not kept pace with their rapid growth.” There have likely been declines in other nutrients, too, he said, such as magnesium, zinc and vitamins B-6 and E, but they were not studied in 1950 and more research is needed to find out how much less we are getting of these key vitamins and minerals.

The Organic Consumers Association cites several other studies with similar findings: A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient data from 1975 to 1997 found that average calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped 27 percent; iron levels 37 percent; vitamin A levels 21 percent, and vitamin C levels 30 percent. A similar study of British nutrient data from 1930 to 1980, published in the British Food Journal found that in 20 vegetables the average calcium content had declined 19 percent; iron 22 percent; and potassium 14 percent. Yet another study concluded that one would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one.

Tom: I was chatting to my elder daughter recently on this subject and she told me she does not notice much immediate effect from taking vitamins but she always notices an immediate benefit from taking my NutriBlast Greens+:

Naomi Wolf – The COVID Shots Destroy Female Fertility

Naomi Wolf, researcher and best selling author, shares what she and her team uncovered in the court ordered document release from Pfizer

Vax Women Gender Development

The people high up in our governments and on the TV aren’t who they say they are and they’re not executing policies and processes for the benefit of the public. If anyone doubts this, especially any female, they need to watch this short clip from Naomi Wolf…. while she’s being interviewed on the Voices for Medical Freedom Podcast. This is about sterilization of the female in all ways, leading to population collapse, on as many levels as possible. Click here to watch. (7 mins) The full interview can be found on the same channel.

Does Covid Exist or Not?

Dr Mike Yeadon thinks the Covid virus doesn’t exit and rather rudely challenged Dr Tess Lawrie, who did great work with ivermectin.

COVID VIRUS EXISTS – Dr Peter McCullough

Well here is a great video with Dr Peter McCullough. Go to 17.03 minutes, where he spells it out.

[00:15:50] In any season, if we look at all the respiratory hospitalizations in the United States, roughly 15% test positive for influenza. And it doesn’t mean influenza is the central driver. Someone could have gotten a fever, fallen down, had a hip fracture, and they’re actually going to die of some complication of the hip fracture and not necessarily the influenza.

[00:16:11] But the principle is count all cases in. So now the COVID-19 pandemic occurs, and this novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, of which has been exhaustively investigated, hundreds of thousands of papers. It has its unique genetic code. It’s a coronavirus. Its structure is fully understood. Its protein makeup is fully understood.

[00:16:38] It is isolated. It’s been isolated in viral cultures, and it’s transferred from one cell to another. The Chinese Sinopharm therapeutics isolates it and actually makes it as a vaccine, a killed virus vaccine. And it can physically be seen. You can see it on electron microscopy.

[00:17:03]So SARS-CoV-2, the virus, clearly exists. It would just be antithetical to reality to say it doesn’t exist. Now, the absence of flu cases needs to be explained. And early on, the CDC’s methodology to determine SARS-CoV-2 by PCR, polymerase chain reaction testing, it could not distinguish. Because PCR testing takes what’s called primers, typically four very small segments of genetic code. It was not sufficiently accurate to discern between COVID and the flu.

[00:17:44] So here we go. A senior citizen comes in from the nursing home, we’re in the heat of the pandemic. He’s got a fever. Everyone’s thinking COVID. Unless they had COVID and influenza testing, the hospitals, using the laboratory derived assays, of which most of the health systems here in Texas did, the one I was at did, using the CDC methods, they would determine, well, it’s a case of COVID.

[00:18:08] And if they would have tested flu, they’d say, wait a minute, this COVID test positive is flu positive. Let’s try to sort this out. So it was probably the abandoning of testing for flu, this thinking that everything coming in is COVID. And don’t forget the hospitals were heavily incentivized to diagnose COVID, not necessarily influenza.

[00:18:28] So that probably weighed into it. Now people said, well, wait a minute, Dr. McCullough, both illnesses cause fever. They make people sick. They afflict the elderly. It was all just the flu. SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. Actually, we call them virus deniers. I said, listen, if you think this is the flu, I can tell you as a doctor, influenza does not cause blood clots like SARS-CoV-2 does, like we’ve never seen before.

[00:19:01] Influenza doesn’t cause the spike protein to be found in blood clots like it’s been found. Influenza doesn’t cause the spike protein to cause all these manifestations that we see. In fact, influenza itself is not deadly. What makes influenza deadly is secondary staphylococcal infections, which we didn’t see in COVID.

[00:19:23] So to summarize, SARS-CoV-2 infection and influenza are completely separate clinical entities. The two viruses have been sequenced, cloned, isolated, cultured, and made into separate vaccines. And then the third part of it, what confused people was, I think it initially flawed PCR test platform by the CDC. Later on, the testing platforms, clarified this, and we had a rebound in flu cases

Autism Rate Graph

Autism Rate Graph

Dr. Ben Tapper writes on X:

Big Pharma has a secret, and we must continue to shed light on it. The multi-billion-dollar industry has been tailoring data to show desired outcomes, manipulating results to push their products and silence anyone who dares to speak out. This is not just a conspiracy theory; it’s a harsh reality that affects us all, especially our children.

By cherry-picking data and hiding unfavorable results, Big Pharma creates a false narrative that their vaccines are safe and effective. They use their immense power and influence to:

– Suppress negative studies
– Discredit independent research
– Intimidate whistleblowers
– Censor online content

This gaslighting tactic makes it difficult for healthcare professionals, researchers, and patients to make informed decisions. It’s a dangerous game that puts profits over people’s lives.

We must demand transparency and accountability from Big Pharma. Let’s break the silence and expose the truth. Share this post to spread awareness and support those who dare to speak out against the manipulation.

The Forgotten Science of Vaccine Disease Provocation

Jabbed Then Died

•Many people notice they appear to become ill with the disease they are being vaccinated against (e.g., the flu or COVID) after receiving a vaccine.

•While this association is frequently ridiculed by medical profession, over a century of evidence exists that demonstrates it occurred for a variety of diseases (e.g., there is extensive literature on it for typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and polio), to the point it was previously termed “disease provocation.”

•Unfortunately, since the knowledge of disease provocation would decrease vaccine sales, it tends to “vanish” from the medical profession’s memory, leading to almost identical debacles happening a few decades later that doctors at the time were “baffled by” (e.g., we discuss how this happened with polio).

•Disease provocation appears to be due to the immune system being diverted to targeting the vaccine’s antigen rather than doing it’s natural job. Since we frequently depend upon the immune system to control latent infections or recent ones currently in the incubation stage, that immunological diversion can lead to an existing infection spiraling out of control.

•In this article we review many examples of how this happened with infections in the past and highlight how this same process can cause vaccination to increase one’s risk of a severe flu infection, a severe COVID infection, a Lyme disease reactivation or a HPV infection progressing to cervical cancer.

Throughout my life, I have noticed more people than I can count (including groups of people) come down with the flu after they receive the flu vaccine. Whenever this is brought up in medical circles, the response typically is “correlation is not causation” and being lectured on the fact the injected influenza vaccine does not contain any live viruses so it can’t give you the flu.

More recently, I (and quite a few of my colleagues) noticed that this also happened with the COVID vaccine and more concerningly, we would come across cases where the person we knew not only got COVID but in some cases became severely ill, had to be hospitalized and then died. While this was understandably “denied,” I soon came across research from the adverse event reporting databases which showed that the two most common causes of death seen in association with the COVID-19 vaccines were heart issues (e.g., dying suddenly) and COVID-19, with the heart issues typically being clustering near the time of vaccination, while after a few weeks, the most commonly reported cause of death following a COVID-19 vaccine was…COVID-19.
Note: this is also shown in national trends of COVID-19 cases and deaths, as they tended to spike after vaccination campaigns were conducted.