Vaccinations? No thank you!

The truth is, there have been several court cases where families have been granted damage payouts due to what vaccines and their ingredients have done to their children. The cases are directly linked to autism and brain damage, and each injury has been deemed “caused by vaccines.” Below I have supplied three links to court cases. Please take the time to check out each one to understand them further.

Is there more evidence linking vaccines to autism? Yes. While some studies exist to state that there is no link between vaccines and autism, I have found several that do show a link.
Given the existence of these studies and their results, I think we need to truly examine whether or not vaccines are safe and if it makes sense for us to blindly follow what we are told to do when it comes to vaccines regardless of the dangers.

NASA Report verifies Carbon Dioxide actually Cools Atmosphere

Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA’s Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence.