Wells Fargo Fires Employees Over “Mouse Jigglers”

Mouse Jigglers

In the era of hybrid work, with employees splitting their time between two days in the office and three days working remotely, employers have ramped up using productivity monitoring software. However, employees have outsmarted some of these surveillance programs with gadgets like mouse movers, otherwise known as ’mouse jigglers.’

The popularity of mouse jigglers has exploded on TikTok in the last several years. Firms have been cracking down on these devices following a surge in fake work activity, which has weighed on productivity.

Wells Fargo, in a new disclosure with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, first reported by Bloomberg, had terminated over a dozen employees in its wealth- and investment-management unit for their use of mouse jigglers.

They were “discharged after review of allegations involving simulation of keyboard activity creating the impression of active work,” according to the disclosures.


(Tom: Tom: I recall over ten years ago reading how more than 30%; of people would cheat to pass an exam. I thought at the time that it would not go well for society with a large percentage of people dishonest and unethical.

To those interested in knowing from whence came this dishonesty I have penned a few articles you might find of interest.

Behind every bad condition will be found a psychiatrist.

In 1947 the then president of the World Federation of Mental Health, Brock Chisholm, said, “The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong are the belated objectives of nearly all Psychotherapy.”

Chisholm further stated that if they were to be successful they needed to infiltrate the professions to introduce their ideas (more correctly called “insanities”) there.

This year is the 76th anniversary of his speech. Looking around at the average intelligence level, morality, ethics and consequent problems with crime, drugs, sexual perversions etc. I’d say the psychiatrists were remarkably successful!

If we as parents and teachers do not instill in our children respect for one another, tolerance for differences, that there is right and wrong, the difference between right and wrong, that actions have consequences and that regardless of what has happened in the past one has the ultimate responsibility for the actions one takes in the present, then we are, by our neglect, cocreating a society where psychiatry’s evil intentions are widely manifest, as is happening at present.

Psychiatry Is NOT Your Friend!