USA – We Want You To Survive! (And improve!)

There Is NoOne Else

Interesting this image hit my social media account again today. I was thinking of the topic earlier today, how there are so many assaults on liberty and rights and too little is being done to fight back. I was reminded that the price of liberty is constant vigilance, constant willingness to fight back.
But who will fight back for rights they do not know they have? If so few people know the contents of the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution that form the Bill of Rights, let alone the Nuremberg Code, the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights or the Universal Agreement on Medical Bioethics and Human Rights, then there is no fight, the Rights as as good as trampled, not 100 years after the later ones were enshrined.
So, maybe the first step is for you and everyone you know to start sharing the Constitution and the Bill of Rights so that people recognise potential encroachments while they still have the power to reject them.
The maybe look for a 10th Amendment Center near you and join it.
Honestly Yanks, your freedom IS worth fighting for!
You might think you are only one person but there are many who think like you.
You just need to not agree with being silenced and locked in and made helpless, for that is their plan
DISAGREE with being made a slave and AGREE with retaining your freedom!
1. Pass this on.
2. Talk it up! Start a conversation with your spouse, your mates (sorry, buddies), your kids if they are old enough, your colleagues, your neighbors… …anyone.
3. Call, email or write your state rep and your congressperson and let them know you are no longer one of the silent majority, you are now one of the actively watching and growing number of those prepared to do what it takes to reverse the cultural decline on the USA.