Violation Tracker Current Parent Company Summary

My wife sometimes tells me I sound a bit extreme. I guess compared to taking football, the weather or the next holiday, I am. But when you look at the actual data I do you’d be forgiven for thinking that most people are whistling past the graveyard and will die from ignorance for lack of confronting the truth of our plagued society. For instance, I often lambaste drug companies and call them crooks and felons and I am sure some people look askance at my stance. Well, for context, look at this list of 83 Merck violations with penalties just since 2000 of $10,582,360,581. Yes. That over Ten BILLION Dollars in penalties for doing the wrong thing 83 proven times. Let alone how many other times they weren’t caught or there was not enough evidence to convict them. Honestly, how would you trust ANYTHING they said or trust any product they produced with that criminal a record?