Follow up on DNA contamination of COVID-19 injectable products

(Tom: You would need to be extremely competent with medical research jargon (which I am not) to read this and comprehend the techniques involved so for those like me, here are the easier to understand bombshells.)

My friend Kevin McKernan has done an incredible amount of work that has allowed the discovery of contamination in the form of dsDNA in both the Pfizer and Moderna products… … But it turns out following further and more in-depth inquiries, that it’s worse than originally thought… …DNA contamination that is likely very high… …The left-over expression vectors used to manufacture the mRNAs are at contamination levels 100-fold higher than originally proposed and imply trillions of DNA molecules per dose. This has implications for integration into our genome…. …The amount of actual contamination based on these results is likely staggering… …several orders of magnitude over the the EMAs limit… …The real life health problems that millions of humans are experiencing following being coerced (in the majority of cases) into being injected with this garbage are plentiful and wide-ranging. It is more than likely that these adverse effects are the direct result of the contamination illuminated by Kevin and his team. And by the way, the techniques that Kevin used to reach these conclusions are very common and furthermore, no great cost or expertise are required to use them.

Take home message: Why were these basic assays/procedures not done/carried out prior to injecting billions of people? Or at least, somewhere along the way? Why were my colleagues being threatened for sequencing the crap in the Pfizer and Moderna vials?

I think the answer is very clear: they were afraid of what would be found. Not just as per the sequences themselves (ie: furin-cleavage, HIV and cutting sites), but as per contamination arising in the production of the mRNA used in every shot.