The News Can Ruin Your Life

The News Can Ruin Your Life

(Tom: Astute observations and good advice from Nicole!)

They trot out crisis after crisis to keep you traumatized and focused on anything but their continued plans of domination… What we’re witnessing is pure engineered chaos at its best…

In many ways we have failed to protect our children, communities, wealth, health, and peace of mind by giving government bureaucrats and anointed experts too much control, all for the sake of ease and convenience… But it’s time to get back in the trenches and fight this enemy by speaking truth to power, overcoming evil with good, forming our own support systems, and continuing to live our lives without fear and panic…

We all have a part to play in wresting control from those who seek to do us harm. Whether it is through writing, speaking, creating, organizing, planning, inventing, or teaching, all of us have been gifted in some area to contribute to defeating this beast seeking to devour us…

Now is the time to use whatever talents and gifts you have to advance the cause of freedom and truth… Be a light in the midst of all this darkness. If your message is not received by some, keep it moving and don’t waste time and energy arguing with fools…

Pay attention to what’s happening, but don’t let it consume you… Find time to do things you enjoy despite the dire conditions…