Autoimmune Solutions

Your Fork

A Research Gate study uncovered a mysterious toxin behind autoimmune disease:

A 50-year-old woman had been suffering from pain and fatigue for more than 10 years.

Her debilitating symptoms lead to a fibromyalgia diagnosis.

Strangely enough, during a vacation in a foreign country, her pain and exhaustion suddenly vanished…

However, her symptoms reappeared in the days following her return home…

Which made her believe something she was eating or drinking might have caused her the symptoms.

And she was absolutely right.

As it turns out, when she was home, she used aspartame as a sugar replacement.

After she excluded aspartame from her diet, her autoimmune disease vanished completely.

Aspartame is just one of the many toxins associated with autoimmune disease.

My research team and I have found 23 toxins in our food that are even more dangerous…

Download my eBook, 23 Toxic Threats in Our Food that Trigger Autoimmune Disease & How to Reverse Their Effects now and see if these toxins could be the trigger for your autoimmune symptoms:

In this eBook, you will also find time-tested tools to reverse autoimmune symptoms, even if you think your case is too severe…

But you must hurry, this eBook is only available for a very limited time.

When you download this eBook you’ll also get free access to my 10-episode docuseries, Autoimmune Answers that reveals the most effective natural protocols for actually reversing autoimmune disease!

Click here to download your copy at no cost:

To your health,

Jonathan Otto