Nikola Tesla

"Nikola Tesla Youth and Strength at 78." George F. Corners, Physical Culture, March, 1935.

“It is no secret, but common sense. I look upon the human body as a machine, and I treat it with the respect which a machine deserves. I keep it properly oiled and properly cleaned, and I see to it that it has no opportunity to gather rust.

“The most important element in my scheme of life is my diet. You cannot expect a machine to function well if you do not provide it with the proper fuel.

“Being a scientist, I attempt to regulate the machine which I call my body according to the laws of the planet on which I live. Whatever scheme of life man adopts, it must conform to the physical condition created by the rotation of the globe. The physical law which divides twenty-four hours into day and night also divides man’s life into two periods — one in which he lives and another in which he rests. This in itself seems to indicate the desirability of two meals a day in unison with the world rhythm — one meal to give us energy for the day’s work, another to supply the body with the material with which it will replenish itself during sleep.

—Nikola Tesla