Why You Should Never Kill a Spider in Your House or Garden

Mother Wolf Spider And Babies

Despite popular belief, house spiders are not dangerous and are actually super helpful house guests, says entomologist Matt Bertone.

“I know it may be hard to convince you, but let me try: Don’t kill the next spider you see in your home,” he writes.

“Why? Because spiders are an important part of nature and our indoor ecosystem.”

For the most part, Bertone says, house spiders stick to their corners and are never aggressive toward humans.

Better yet, they eat the bugs that are actually harmful to us, like blood-sucking mosquitoes, disease-spreading cockroaches, clothes-eating moths, pesky flies and earwigs.

“Some people think of spiders as insects, lumping them in with six-legged invaders like roaches or ants,” Russell Mclendon writes for Mother Nature Network.

“But they’re not insects, and they don’t want to raid our cupboards. Much like their outdoor relatives that eat crop pests, house spiders just want to quietly kill the insects that do covet our food. If anything, they’re on our side. “

Spiders are also a natural defense against garden pests like aphids, moths and beetles.

If you still suffer from arachnophobia, consider this, common house spiders like the long-legged cellar spider or “Daddy Long Legs” actually eat black widows!
