Economics 101

Friend of mine posted this as a comment. I thought it worth sharing more broadly.

Jay Lawrence
There is a simple set of economic facts that I realized that are most easily understood by these questions:
1) To your knowledge, is there an actual shortage of materials from which to make things? (Not is it available in your local store) NO;
2) Is there a shortage of people who are willing to produce things that other people want or need? NO;
3) Is there a shortage of people who are willing to exchange their production in order to have the production of someone else? NO.

Well, that folks, is economics 101.

There is no problem with the economy. There is a problem with the monetary system. And there has been created a problem with people being able or willing to work, and this has been done through the money system so that the money system intentionally collapses in order to implement a new exchange system controlled by the very people who engineered the collapse.

Well, that’s a bit strange since the purpose of money is supposed to be, “to facilitate and expedite the exchanging of production”. And yet here it is being used for exactly the opposite result.