Life Maintenance

Life Maintenance

Because a big part of life is routine and mundane. The 4 Ss (Shit, Shower, Shave and Shampoo), meal preparation, eating, cleaning afterwards, washing the laundry, hanging it out, bringing it in, folding and transporting it, shopping, exercising the body, housework, yard work, carrying out the trash, getting to and from work, work itself for most people.

In fact, I have heard it said that most people’s lives lack enough drama. Probably one reason for the success of movies.

You can go through life resenting it or, as I see it, there are two solutions.
1. Stop resenting it and start enjoying everything you do for the satisfaction you get from doing it. After all, many cannot do what you resent doing and would love to be able to do it.

2. Get really, REALLY good at what you do best so you can make a bucketload of money and hire others to do what you do not want to do.