The Trojan Horse And Why COVID Is So Deadly – Part 2

Girl In A Mask

Despite the media hyping up when a young person (under 50) dies from Covid, these are still around the same rates as influenza deaths. Young and so called healthy people die from the influenza virus every year. What is ignored by the media and politicians is that the elderly and in particular the sick elderly are disproportionately more vulnerable and much, much more than they are to the influenza virus. To put it in best guestimate figures if you are over 65-70 years and sick your risk is probably more than 100 times greater. The big difference largely depend upon how healthy the individual is and how many other pre-existing health conditions the person has. Susceptibility to all viruses increases with age and comorbid health conditions, however, this is exaggerated much more with Covid. Fortunately, we know what causes this increased vulnerability and we have known of it since Covid 1 back in 2003.

The Trojan horse and why Covid is so deadly. Covid Part 2