Crisis Planning Failure

Crisis Planning Failure

Putting aside for a moment that the scamdemic is a planned attack on our rights and freedoms and perhaps even a mass genocide, the fact that so many are in crisis is a sad indictment of personal and organisational failure to provide for an emergency.

When you look at the caliber of competence (or lack thereof) routinely turned out as products of modern parenting and our indoctrination, sorry, education system, it is not hard to see how that failure to properly educate to a high level of confront, personal ethics, personal integrity, individual competence, emotional intelligence and ability to operate within a group condemns us to collective inadequacy, whatever political label you put on the failure.

The steep downtrend started with the rise of psychiatry and their culture destroying goal of eradicating the concepts of right and wrong, good and evil as espoused by the head of the World Federation of Mental Health, Brock Chisholm in 1947 and their highly successful infiltration of all facets of our society to attain this end.