Who Is Laughing Now?

Who Is Laughing Now?

In case you hadn’t heard, Dr Anthony Fauci’s emails were released per a Freedom Of Information Request. Virtually every major point of his recommendations over the last 18 months is a provable lie, admitted by him in his emails. This whole COVIS response has been a sham from beginning to end and now we are injecting people with experimental toxins that force the body to make the spike protein that was added to the virus to make it more deadly. A great many doctors and health professionals are sounding the alarm over the future health ramifications of this and asking the governments to halt the vaccine rollout immediately. Here is just one (very well credentialled and experienced) doctor to whom you should pay close attention: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/06/stephanie-seneff-covid-vaccine.aspx