Are You Prepared?

Are You Prepared?

The power elite who wish us dead or enslaved have been right with their “predictions” to date. Here’s another “prediction” for which it may be worthwhile you taking notice and prepping.

I was asked on social media “Should I believe this?”

I replied:

Believe what you like, that you are perfectly free to do.

The fact that he said it can be verified.

The fact that he is at the top of the food chain at the WEF can be verified.

The fact that these power elite groups, according to their own code, need to advertise their plans to the public before executing them is a datum I have heard multiple times and seen play out with Gates’ prediction of a pandemic.

The fact that there is a eugenics movement that would like to see 95% of us dead and buried (the late Prince Philip among them) is verifiable.

The fact that the Georgia Guidestones promote the idea of a world population living in harmony with nature of only 500 million people can be verified.

The items on Agenda 21 and agenda 2030 can be verified.

The fact that “Global Warming” is complete rort and a means of bringing the masses more under the strict domination of the power elite can be verified.

The hypothesis that the the global warming/climate change scam was progressing far too slowly so the COVID pandemic was architected to speed up the process of domination and slavery of the individual has been mooted but is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that fits well.

As I said, believe what you like but I believe we have a lot of work to do to spread some truth and sanity to replace the current lies and insanity!