No Deaths From Vitamins


If you want to die, you have the right to exit the game. I am not going to hold you here against your will. I will happily talk you into solving your problems in a more optimum fashion too.
If you fancy playing Russian Roulette with drug company products by all means be aware of the risks and play to your heart’s content, or death, as the case may be. But be informed that it is a risky business. I read a few years ago that the average drug has 75 side effects, one of which is death.
If you are trying to survive and improve your health or the health of those you love then just this one datum is of very significant importance.
(OMNS Jan 30, 2021) The 37th annual report from the American Association of Poison Control Centers shows zero deaths from any vitamin. Supporting data is in Table 22B, p 1508-1518, at the very end of the report published in Clinical Toxicology. [[1] It is interesting that it is so quietly placed way back there where nary a news reporter is likely to see it.
Furthermore, there were no fatalities from amino acids, creatine, blue-green algae, glucosamine, or chondroitin.
There were no deaths from any homeopathic remedy, Asian medicine, Hispanic medicine, or Ayurvedic medicine. None.
There were no deaths from herbs. This means no deaths at all from blue cohosh, echinacea, ginkgo biloba, citrus aurantium, ginseng, kava kava, St. John’s wort, valerian, yohimbe, ma huang/ephedra, guarana, kola nut, or yerba mate.