Hang In There!

For Those That Have Lost Faith in What is Happening with Trump,

You’re missing the point. The Democrats are GOING NUTS! Their attempts to hide behind psuedo-legalities has gone out the window. THEY ARE DESPERATE WHICH MEANS THEY ARE TERRIFIED. It also means that THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO BE SCARED OF!!!

Look around. Pelosi is compulsively pursuing another BS impeachment and lots of people know it. Twitter has cancelled Trump’s account. Tell me that they’re not scared. Facebook is shutting down posts that support Trump or expose Biden. Parler has been shut down. Main stream media is more and more insistent that there is no evidence. The list goes on and on. And the pretexts for committing these blatant lies and manipulations are unbelievably feeble and easily seen through. These are the actions of a drowning group that is frantically clutching at straws in an effort not to go under.

Some are pointing to how despondent Trump looked after the college vote, saying that it came from knowing that he lost. FLUNK! Trump was despondent because of all the betrayals that were revealed that day. Imagine for a moment all the people that he has put his trust in who on that day openly stabbed him in the back. If I were him I would have felt a little down too!

The big day was not the election day, it was not the 6th of January. Pence’s and Loeffler’s betrayal’s from the Senate floor were not the end. The Big Day is the 20th of January. Why? Because it’s the day that Trump would cease to be POTUS and cease to have legal authority as the President of the United States of America. This makes the 20th of January the deadline.

Listen to everything that Trump has said before and after the 6th. He has yet to say anything that acknowledges that he has lost or given up or that Biden will be the next President. Not one word.

He said he will not attend Biden’s inauguration. Well, if Biden doesn’t get to be POTUS how could he attend his inauguration. Trump has said that he is making arrangements for the transition to the next administration. He never said who’s administration. And if Trump gets inaugurated again on the 20th his will be the “new administration” for the next four years.

Why do you think that Trump has suddenly disappeared from public view and no one seems to know where he is. Could it be that the good guys are about to start making their move and the black hats would like nothing more than an opportunity to take out the symbol of the revolution?

This effort to drain the swamp is not just led by just Trump. Do you think that he isn’t supported by hundreds, if not thousands, of loyal and honorable patriots? In fact, did it ever occur to you that Trump may simply be that person chosen to be the front guy for a much larger group?

So at the very worst, let us say that Trump doesn’t get a second term, something unbelievably powerful has happened, not only in America, but around the world! A roaring lion has been unleashed by bringing together all of the non-sheep and getting them to talk with each other and aligning them behind a common cause and purpose, to drain the swamp every where, in every country. This has been, and is, the greatest global revolution in the history of this planet and you are part of it!

I’ve recently done some international travel and let me tell you that there are not millions but BILLIONS of Trump supporters right across the globe! So this ain’t over by a long shot.

Look around. For more than a decade public sentiment has been inexorably drifting away from trusting the media, career politicians and social media and towards freedom seekers, libertarians and free thinkers. Trump simply became the symbol of this group to rally behind, and quite rightly so. But that doesn’t mean that Trump is The Power because that’s YOU! It doesn’t mean that Trump is the ONLY one who can lead the charge. To assume so is to give away your power and the power of everyone around you.

So, HANG IN THERE! If the bad guys are scared realize that the index of how much they have to be scared of is how scared they are. And right now, THEY ARE SCARED SHITLESS!!!