All Test Subjects of Bill Gates’ Vaccine Ended Up With Coronavirus

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(Tom: You see enough of these reprts and you bevome pretty convinced that while there are a great many genuine and dedicated people working in health, the system is run and heavily populated by a great many unscrupulous, profit motivated people faking science, denying the truth and putting lives at risk.)

What could possibly go wrong with fast-tracking a hastily put-together vaccine to treat an illness with a .26% fatality rate and mass-producing the concoction for dissemination? That’s what some in the medical community want to do with Bill Gates’ new vaccine for coronavirus, which he began working on – curiously – a short time before coronavirus went viral.

What could go wrong has now been made public, as Bill Gates’ shoddily-hastened vaccine has been determined to make all animal test subjects get COVID-19 when exposed to the virus.

For some reason, the Oxford Vaccine Group said on April 21 that the vaccine was effective. That’s proven untrue, at least according to data released recently.

Elanor Riley of Edinburgh University told Forbes Magazine that not only did monkeys exposed to coronavirus after being vaccinated all got the virus, they passed it to others as easily as those not exposed.

Sadly, one-thousand humans have already been given the “vaccine” and 10,260 adults and children have been slated to receive it, even though it’s proven unsuccessful among its primate test subjects.