Why Your Donation to a Cancer Appeal Will Not Help Find a Cure

For a start, there has never yet been a cure found by a foundation set up to raise funds for a disease on which their livelihood depends. This researcher found criminal indifference to cancer prevention and conflicts of interest.

A 1992 article in the Wall Street Journal, by Thomas DiLorenzo, professor of economics
at Loyola College and veteran investigator of nonprofit organizations, revealed that the Texas
affiliate of the ACS owned more than $11 million of assets in land and real estate, more than 56
vehicles, including 11 Ford Crown Victorias for senior executives, and 45 other cars assigned to
staff members. ACS chapters in Arizona, California, and Missouri spent only 10 percent of their
funds on direct community services. Thus for every $1 spent on direct services, approximately
$6.40 was spent on compensation and overhead. In all ten states, salaries and fringe benefits
were by far the largest single budget items, a surprising fact in light of the characterization of the
appeals, which stressed an urgent and critical need for donations to provide cancer services. http://www.preventcancer.com/documents/ACS.pdf

Never is there a more appropriate example of the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” A great site to visit to learn the specific causes of different types of cancer so you know what to avoid: http://www.preventcancer.com/avoidable/

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