Infants Organs harvested, 76 fetuses, skin, tongues, hearts, vaccine ingredients

Stanley Plotkin

The person who sent me the link said: I’m finding it interesting that medical professionals are calling out vaccines as being witchcraft (from the darker side), due to containing cells from organs. Scientists have said they need to be harvested live and pain killers can not be given as this would compromise cell integrity… …I was explaining the mechanisms involved when these are injected and how it can cause the body to attack itself ie. inject kidney cells from a kidney or pancreatic cells from a cocker spaniel and if similar enough to our own and because the body can attack anything that is injected, can end up with kidney or pancreatic issues. I wonder how many people know diabetes is written as a known possible side effect on (many? all?) vaccine inserts.

Educate before you vaccinate. It’s far easier to support the immune system than to recover from many of the diseases caused by vaccines.

I wonder how many know they can be infecting a product that states it contains known carcinogens yet also states it has not been tested for carcinogenic activity. We’d have to be nuts or trusting to inject a product without proper safety testing from a source that is not liable for any deaths, diseases and disabilities caused by them. I was.