Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It

“We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system…

When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged.

What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. ”

Back in 2007, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a scientific review of numerous studies which examined the effects of fasting, and the multiple human and animal studies have shown that fasting effectively lowers the risk of cancer and heart problems, and provides great effects in the treatment of diabetes.

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