Sleep helps wounds heal faster

Snoozing may be more important than good nutrition for cutting down healing time
A good night’s sleep can improve your mood, help you stay alert and boost your memory. Now data show that getting enough Z’s might also get your cuts to heal more promptly. In fact, sleep was more important than good nutrition in speeding wound healing.
This wasn’t what scientists had expected to see.
They had hoped to show that giving people a nutritional boost would make their skin wounds heal faster — even in people who were sleep-deprived. That would have been useful for soldiers in combat, or for doctors working long shifts in a hospital. The scientists thought it should work because good nutrition keeps the body’s immune system strong. That immune system helps repair injuries and guards against infection.

Another week of interesting coincidences. The above article talks about recent research discovering sleep more important than nutrition in speeding wound healing and within 24 hours I get two testimonials about my NutriBlast Immune blend being helpful! The first is from my daughter who recently visited Iceland from London and the second from my dentist.



Still taking the greens powder every morning. But forgot to take it to Iceland and toward the end of the trip I started getting a cold. As soon as I got back and started taking it again, boom – gone!

I replied to her:

Glad you are taking it and glad it is conferring some benefit but sorry to hear you started getting a cold. I’d like my powder to confer more than just 9 days immunity on a body. 🙂

But then again, I am greedy!



Dear Tom

Sorry I’m being late with this review.

Please put the following statement on your website:

Hi everyone. Im your local dentist.

Used to be sick all the time (you can imagine due to my work I’m in a very close contact with people’s mouths). I was constantly on antibiotics.

Ever since Tom introduced me to his immune product, haven’t been sick a single day. That is from August 2017.

I am very grateful to you Tom for helping my immune system to fight much much better.

Sincerely yours

Dr A Neskovska



If you are taking my regular or Vegan NutriBlast, don’t think for a moment you are missing out! All the ingredients in the Immune Blend are in the regular and Vegan blends. Obviously because the Immune blend has fewer ingredients, the immune boosting ones are in larger quantities.

And I d do get similar feedback from people taking the regular and Vegan blends. Strange how bodies do better on great nutrition, isn’t it?

Have a great week!


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