School Is The Advertising Agency…

School Is The Advertising Agency...
Please read this and digest it.
(Pun intended.)
Then, before you more to the next post, decide what you are going to do different this week as a result of this knowledge.
Ivan Illich says some interesting things about medicine too, like:
“Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn’t organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.”
“People would rebel against such an environment if medicine did not explain their biological disorientation as a defect in their health, rather than as a defect in the way of life which is imposed on them or which they impose on themselves.”
“Better health care will depend not on some new therapeutic standard, but on the level of willingness and competence to engage in self-care.”
“As the older causes of disease recede, a new kind of malnutrition is becoming the most rapidly expanding modern epidemic. One third of humanity survives on a level of undernourishment which would have formerly been lethal, while more and more rich people absorb ever greater amounts of poisons and mutagens in their food.”
This last quote, I believe is because the rich are too busy to study the basics of physiology and instead opt to choose “quick-fixes” and whatever they think delivers more bang for the buck, which ironically, prolongs their health issues. “Quick fixes” usually lead to more issues, which means MORE TIME is required to heal. Think about it: What is going to take longer to do: study the basics of physiology OR spend forever sifting through trial and error with woo-woo/bro science?

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