Sea Buckthorn Oils

I bought some a while ago and until now have not gotten around to telling you about them. I just spent a few minutes on the internet to collect some data for you and here is the result.
Contrary to what its name suggests, sea buckthorn oil does not come from the sea. It’s actually derived from sea buckthorn, a shrub that belongs to the Elaeagnaceae family and grows in the mountainous and coastal areas of Asia and Europe. Its botanical name, Hippophae rhamnoides,means “tree that makes the horse shine,” referring to its ability to improve horses’ health and make their hair shiny and smooth. 4 It was also used to cure blindness in horses.
Both sea buckthorn seed and fruit oil are rich in nutrients such as carotenoids, tocotrienols, and tocopherols. They are loaded with antioxidants like phenols, terpenes, and glucosides; vitamins A, C, and E; beta-carotene; plant sterols; and trace elements such as copper, iron, selenium, and manganese.
Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil – Topical
Packed with carotene, which may improve eyesight and prevent certain forms of cancer. This berry oil is well-known today for its healing and rejuvenating effects on the skin. When used topically, it’s a great natural cleanser and exfoliator. It can also help heal burns, cuts, wounds, sunburn, rashes, and other types of skin damage. Using sea buckthorn oil daily helps slow down the signs of aging by nourishing the tissues in your skin and body acne, rosacea (a condition in which certain facial blood vessels enlarge, giving the cheeks and nose a flushed appearance), etc., providing a moisturizing quality that may result in overall healthier skin. For this reason, the extract has been used in some cosmetic skin products, especially for facial moisturizing.
This berry also has as much vitamin E as wheat germ, three times more vitamin A than carrots, and four times more superoxide dismutase (SOD), an important enzyme that helps prevent free radical damage, than ginseng. Plus, it’s the only plant source that contains omega 3, 6, 9, and 7.
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil – Internal
Sea Buckthorn seed oil is a true nutritional anomaly: in this oil, you will find a near 1:1 ratio of 34% linoleic acid (Omega-6) and 32% alpha linolenic acids (Omega-3). What are those? Linoleic acid helps your body maintain its cardiovascular system, and may function to reduce inflammation, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Alpha linolenic acids help your body repair its cells, and provides the skin moisturizing qualities inherent in this oil. This oil is also naturally loaded with Vitamin E, carotenoids, and phospholipids that may aid your immune system and combat cancer-causing free radicals.
I have some of each – $40 a bottle.

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