Activated Seed Chips

Seed Chip NIP
As you probably recall, I soak then dehydrate the seeds and nuts before making my top bars. The soaking gets rid of the enzyme blockers and the dehyrdating removes the moisture (obviously) so they don’t go moldy. For one batch, as the greaseproof paper tray was coming out of the dehydrator, someone said to me, “You know that’s a saleable product?” So I made some. I added some vegetable powders etc. to build the nutrient content up so that 50 grams of seed chips gives you over 20% of the minimum daily requirements of more than 23 vitamins and minerals and fibre! Because it has no fruit and no honey required to bind it, the sugar content is very low – only 4% and the protein content is over 20%. A great snack for you if you want to stay or get slim! They are $25 for a 150 gram pack. Let me know if you want a pack with your next order!

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