Your Health Affects Your Mind

Your Health Affects Your Mind

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I will be on air with these two lovelies tonight! Here’s the full article from which the talk will be taking excerpts.

What is health?

To me physical health is living pain-free, disease-free and drug-free, being fit enough to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, for as long as I want to do it, without fear of injury or being exhausted for three days afterwards.

Mental health is being cheerful the vast majority of the time and having the resilience to bounce back up to that level after a setback or disappointment without needing help from drugs.

How do you retain or regain your health?

An interesting question and I am going to give you some philosophy first before I get into the mechanics.

The first and most important thing to always remember is if you are in a hole, stop digging!

If you are not happy or not succeeding in what you are doing, change what you are doing.

If you are heading in the wrong direction, change direction!

Retaining or regaining your health will not happen unless and until you make the decision that it is a priority and resolve to change your diet and lifestyle to that end.

Wishful thinking is not going to cut it. It takes time, dedication and discipline to maintain a diet and lifestyle different from what nearly everybody else is doing.

Most people never make the decision that maintianing their health is a priority. And of those who do, I am sure many give up due to the obstacles, the distractions and the lack of motivation.

In fact in my experience most people do not take an active interest in their health until they lose it. You are of above average responsibility level.

Secondly, undestand that there are lots of contradictory data and you will have to navigate your way through a minefield of it. Someone I respect once said to me, “Opinions are like backsides – everybody’s got one.”

The challenging thing is that most people, and I try to avoid this trap like the plague, will not tell you that if what they are saying is an opinion or it is a fact.

Now the common mistake most of us make when confronted with this confusion is to solve it by saying, “Well, I will only believe what an expert tells me.”

Trouble with that is that most people believe doctors are experts on health. Most doctors are not. Many of them but not all, are good at diagnosing a label for a set of symptoms as they are all trained to do, then knowing what drug is the recommended treatment for that diagnosis.

For instance while I was writing out the text for tonight’s show I called Don Chisholm, the man from whom I get the probiotic powder I put in my nutrition bars and powders, and asked him for a freebie or discount I could give you.

While we were talking about the fact that most people are not getting the nourishment their body needs from the food they eat he mentioned a woman who rang very concerned about a friend who had been diagnosed with bipolar disease. Don said to her, “That’s just a mineral deficiency.” She was surprised. Don sent her to a Canadian web site and she rang him back and said, “You’re right, it is!”

Medication can be all very well but the father of modern medicine said two thousand years ago that if you give a patient medicine he has to recover twice, once from the medicine and once from the ailment.

Recently I saw a facebook meme that said, no one ever got sick from lack of a drug. So why do we expect a drug will heal us? Because they don’t, there’s no money in cures! Drugs just suppress the symptoms, usually giving us more symptoms for which the doctor will prescribe another drug. So, many people end up on a half a dozen drugs, the average number of side effects of which is 75, one of which is death.

The upshot of that is what they call iatragenic illness – death by nurse or doctor accident, mistake or doctor prescribed drugs – is the third leading cause of death in the USA. And that’s what they will admit to. I have read stories from new nurses aghast at the lies put on death certificates to hide doctor mistakes, So the true number one killer could very well be the medical profession, not cancer, heart disease or any of the others.

Interesting story. Doctors rarely go on strike, it’s bad for business, but on the two occasions I have read of where they did, the death rate plummeted. Draw your own conclusion from that.

And before I leave this subject, I do acknowledge that drugs are often an effective if not life-saving short term solution. So I do not dismiss them entirely. My opinion is they are overprescribed and in most cases should not be used as either a first address to a problem or a long-term handling. Hint, the best course of action is prevention!

And in defense of the medical profession, their original training is oriented to drugs as solutions and most of us as patients are guilty of helping continue the existing paradigm by demanding of them a quick fix to our problem. When you are in pain, that’s what we want – the pain to go away, quickly.

If drug prescribing doctors are not your best source of health who is?

Well the very last organisation you should EVER trust are the government! I heard once that whomever gets elected is the person who tells the biggest lies.

Recently I was watching a video of a world renowned expert who in her presentation put up a slide of all the actions taken by government in response to the COVID crisis. (Masks, social distancing, lockdowns, staying inside et cetera.) She said despite the talking heads advising they were “following the science”, every single one of their actions and advices was scientifically provable to be 100% wrong.

She said it’s hard to get 100% wrong. Even a blind pig will stumble on some corn to eat occasionally! I laughed.

And as well as being wrong, their mandates are illegal.

Do you know that Australia is a signatory to the International Agreement on Medical Bioethics and Human Rights which says no medical preventative (think masks, social distancing, lockdowns, quarrantines) or treatment (think vaccine) is to be enforced, they ALL require informed consent?

Article 51.23a of the Australian Constitution prohibits compulsory medication. So does the Nuremberg code. And so on.

So if the principal “authority” figures are drug dispensers or are 100% wrong, who do you turn to?

Well, my gospel on this subject is, “what works”.

The Chinese have a saying. “The man saying it can’t be done should never interrupt the man doing it.”

Think about that for a moment. As humans, every single thing we learn to do for the first time was correctly labelled impossible prior to the first person accomplishing it. Yet the government tell doctors they cannot try something new, they tell them what they can and cannot do to treat patients according to what they deem as “best practice”. And if the “authorities” got it 100% wrong with their COVID recommendations they would have to have an unbelievable change to be 100% right elsewhere.

So I recommend you look to the people who are gitting the results you want. Look to your relatives and friends in their 80s and beyong who are living active healthy lives and ask what they eat and how they live. If you don’t have anyone in that category, go to YouTube and do a search for a Blue Zones a film by National Geographic where they identify ares in the world where an above average percentage of the population live longer, healthier lives past 100 years of age.

So what is the best diet?

Look, I can give you some general priciples which will put you a couple of rungs up the ladder in terms of chances to survive healthier for longer, I can tell you what I do, I can even recommend some diets for specific conditions but the most valuable thing I can do is to encourage you to be your own health researcher.

You may have heard the adage, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.” That was first recorded in 1576 so it has long been recognised that we are not all the same. There is no one diet that is best for us all. Every spirit, mind body combination is unique.

As far as what is the best diet for your specific spirit, mind, body combination, my best advice is “find out what works best for you”.

Keith Scott-Mumby, who wrte the excellent book “Diet Wise” says there’s probably 7 billion correct diets on the planet, one for each of us.

He tells the story of a young Irish lad, before the court on an attempted manslaughter charge, sent to him for food testing. Keith administered the protocol described in his book for determining foods to which you have an intolerance then gradually reintroduced foods one at a time. When they reintroduced potato to the young guy’s diet it was like someone had flipped on the “angry” gene. Fortunately they had it on video and the judge gave him a suspended sentence on the condition that he never again ate potato!

Isn’t there some broad, advice that we can all follow?

Apart from the protocol I mentioned in Keith’s book, which I highly recommend if you have issues you suspect could be caused by one or more foods, yes. here is my best general advice.

The three best words to help you shortcut your learning curve are purity, density and diversity. Keep those in mind. In fact write them down now. Purity, density and diversity.

You may have heard that in the last 15 years researchers exhumed 150 Egyptian mummies buried over two thousand years ago. Test revealed that only three of the 150 had detectable cancers where it is estimated today that 50% of people will die from cancer.

What’s changed? Nutrient purity, density and diversity have all plummeted in the intervening two thousand years. Toxins and artificial additives have skyrocketed and nutrient density is nowhere near what it was even 80 years ago. A Canadian study found different vitamins and minerals declined 70-100% from mid-last century til now.

It is common to see 4 ingredient recipes promoted and the average American eats only 20 different foods each week while two-thirds gets 66% of their calories from a mere 4 foods or their derivatives (wheat, rice, corn and soy) whereas the ancient Aztecs cultivated 220 different crops.

So eat food as pure as you can get it. What’s pure? Free from artificial colourings, flavourings, preservatives and pesticides. Think fast food, junk food and processed and manufactured foods.

I almost never eat wheat as it is toxic to the body. The Japanese did a study and found wheat eaters had a 5% lower IQ than non-wheat eaters. As I sometimes quip, “I need all the 5%s I can get!”

I am a food manufacturer, so if I were being at all self-interested in this talk I would not tell you the following.

Jack Lalanne, a famous juice proponent and body builder who only lived to aged 94 and did a full workout the day before he died said, “If man made it, don’t eat it!”

I posted those last two paragraphs on social media once and someone who had tried my foods replied that I was a food alchemist.

Now unlike the alchemists of olden days I do not have a magic recipe that can turn lead into gold but I can make incredibly nourishing food and these are the three key principles I use to do it, purity, density and diversity.

What is density?

Eat food as nutrient dense as you can get it. You may have heard the term empty calories. It is food that delivers calories but is lacking or below average in the nutrients you need for the calories consumed. Chief culprit is cane sugar but most manufactured or processed foods would fall into the empty calories definition.

What about diversity?

Diversity means eating as wide a variety of pure, nutrient dense foods as you can.

A story. Dr Robert Thompson wrote the book ‘Calcium Lie II’. In it he said every single who comes to his practice is deficient in one or more minerals. And keep in mind what Dr Linus Pauling, said “You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” But what would he know? He only lived into his 90s and one two Nobel prizes for his discoveries regarding Vitamin C.

But I digress. Dr Robert Thompson made the point that many of the people he saw suffered the same ailments as their parents. Rather than blame genetics, as many do, he looked and found that on average, they only ate 20 different foods each week. THE SAME 20 THEIR PARENTS ATE! No diversity there!

You may have many of the same genes in common with your parents but genes can be turned on or off. They and be expressed or not. What turns them on or off? Your diet and lifestyle.

As Don Chisholm, the man from whom I get the probiotic powder I put in my nutrition bars and powders, says, “Your genes might be the loaded gun but your diet and lifestyle choice pull the trigger or not!”

So aim to get as wide a variety of pure, nutrient dense foods as you can into your diet. One way of doing it is to “eat the rainbow” – eat foods that are different colurs as each colour is indicative of a different nutrient.

When I cook a protein and vegetable meal I most often cook 8-12 different vegetables.

I can hear what some of you are thinking, “I don’t have time to do that!” And you may not think you can afford to eat organic vegetables but I urge you to consider this meme I saw on social media, “If you think eating organic is expensive, have you priced cancer lately?”

Because the choices we make today determine our future health and happiness. It’s a shame we cannot see the future to more clearly and better appreciate that fact.

Adelle Davis was an American author and nutritionist, considered the most famous nutritionist in the early to mid-20th century. She wrote, “As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.”

I am going to finish with three more quotes that I hope will help you take advantage of what you have just heard.

Most of us grossly over-estimate what we can do in a day and grossly under-estimate what we can get done in ten years.

Small things done right each day add up to big things over time.

Your life is what YOU make it. No one else has as much power over your life as you do. Decide what sort of a life you want to be leading. Write it down. Look at this each day. Do something each day towards bringing it to pass.

Don wanted me to share with you the link to his movie –

Here is the link to his Probiotic Foods website –
New customers can use the code ‘Welcome10’ for 10% off first order

My 950 page book can be purchased at

Keith Scott-Mumby’s book ‘Diet Wise’ is available at


Detox Hydrogel

Detox Hydrogel

I saw this but have no data on how efficacious it is. If you try it and it works, please let me know.


Phase 3 Suggestion

“As you know we are in a GIobal HeaIth CRISIS…
Therefore we have unilaterally and unanimously passed the following decisions in Parliament:

All tobacco and alcohol stores will be IMMEDIATELY CLOSED as smoking during a pamdenic that attacks the throat and lungs is quite obviously damgerous for everyone’s health. AlcohoI lowers the inmune system so has been temporarily banned.

All fastfood outlets such as, but not limited to McDonald’s and ????Burger King will be closed as they do not promote health or adequate nutrition.

Free organic vegetables and fruit will be given to all citizens instead, and foods that are overly processed, contain GM0 ingredients or an excess of sugar will be removed from store shelves.

Supplements of Vitamin D as well as Vitamin C and Zinc will be sent to every door by Royal Mail.

We encourage laughter, joy and connecting with your loved ones as it will boost your inmune system as well as deep breathing of clean, unfiltered outside air and going out into nature daily.

We encourage you go to your local park and stand barefoot for 15 minutes a day.

All TV shows and streaming services promoting Horror, suffering and Dystopian scenarios will be stopped until gIobal heaIth is returned as mentaI positivity and focus boosts your inmune system.

You are encouraged to get maximum sunlight and exercise. All employees who can demonstrate they are exercising will receive a 5% pay increase for the next 4 months.

All gyms are compelled to offer 15% off and remain OPEN as science shows physical exercise promotes mental and physical wellbeing.

There will be no fixed penalty notices given by poIice as we understand these are times of financial hardship. PoIice will instead be sent to support small businesses and those in need of assistance.

Large chain stores and superstore corporations will be temporarily halted in order to give small and family businesses a chance to survive these pressing times.

All gas, water and utility bills will be cut by 50% until we are all out of national enmergency status.

Thank you. We love you and together we will all be healthy.”

…And that’s totally what they said right? Because they actually do care about your heaIth, right?

Please wake up and take your heaIth into your own hands. Turn off your TV. This is not about your health or anyone else’s. It NEVER was.

Written by Tariq EQ Amawi