We Got Hacked

We Got Hacked

US bank Morgan Stanley has posted letters to an unknown amount of customers, notifying them of potential data breaches involving sensitive personal information left on servers and storage sent to recyclers and on an encrypted drive lost at a branch office.

(Tom: In my personal opinion, having my info in the hands of banks and others with whom I do business is risky enough, as this story illustrates only too well, but storing personal or business data in the cloud takes the risk of loss to a whole new level. That is why I continue to use the accounting and business software I created myself hosted on an inhouse computer.

As an additional note, ransomware, phishing and hacking scams are costing businesses obscene amounts of money. Travel giant CWT pays $6.3m ransom to cyber criminals https://www.itnews.com.au/news/travel-giant-cwt-pays-63m-ransom-to-cyber-criminals-551133

Do some homework and formulate firm policy with which you (and any staff) deal with your emails and web sites you visit. For instance I:

Use strong malware protection, currently Emisoft Enterprise Security Suite.

Never click on links in an email from unknown senders.

Even from known senders I sometimes receive emails with just a link, no explanatory text. I do not click on those. I will sometimes email the sender to ask what it is about.

Never download from file transfer sites unless I expect a link from that person and

Always check the displayed and hidden URL match the expected domain as miscreants will sometimes use what is called a sub-domain or sub-folder to make it look more legitimate. For instance last week I got one allegedly from wetransfer.com but when I held my mouse over the link it was not the wetransfer.com domain, that was used as a folder name like this:
A valid name used as a sub-domain for a hacker site looks like this:

So, just because it has a recognisable name somewhere in the URL, that is a trick to fool those not fully tech savvy. Now you are informed, don’t fall for it.)


COVID Earth – a tale of two planets – by Steve Cook

There are, apparently, two Earths currently circling the Sun.

On one Earth, there is a killer epidemic on the loose cutting a swathe of carnage across the entire planet. It is a highly infectious, invisible creeping menace that is slaughtering millions and, lurking in supermarkets and public place or hiding in your child’s hair and so forth, can pounce the moment you stop being afraid or sanitising your door knobs every five minutes. The environment is seething with it and it can strike anyone down at any time without warning, especially the very moment they ignore government advice. Families are decimated. Ten percent of the population or possibly more have died. Hospitals are overloaded; casualty departments are consumed by an unrelenting mayhem where exhausted staff heroically fight a losing battle against the remorseless tide of viral slaughter; bodies are stacking up at undertakers. Across the stricken planet there is a great wailing and gnashing of teeth as mankind faces extinction – or would but for the wisdom of governments who have saved the day by mandating cunning and tremendously successful responses such as lockdowns, hiding, throwing money at the pharmaceutical industry and wearing masks. Thus a frightened and cowering but nevertheless lucky populace wait out the apocalypse justifiably confident that their politicians can be completely trusted to know exactly the right thing to do. Plans have already been laid for rebuilding civilisation when a handful of survivors emerge blinking from their hidey holes into the bright new dawn of a pharmaceutical Golden Age in which everyone will always be completely safe and life can be lived without any risk whatever as long as you don’t expect to enjoy it .

This is the incredibly dangerous world inhabited by millions of people who LISTEN to what they are told and who believe what they read in newspapers and trust their political elite to never ever tell fibs.

Then there is the second, alternative Earth.

On this Earth, there is some sort of flu going around that is caught by about one person in five although the majority apparently exhibit no symptoms and don’t even know they have had it unless tested for it by tests that give quite a lot of false postives in any case. Of these, one in about 400 die of or with it (no one is entirely sure which) but only if they are really really old and/or already have a serious illness. Hardly anyone directly knows anyone who has died if this bug and hardly anyone has had it, although some think they might have had it but on the other hand it could have been a cold or something similar. Many of its alleged symptoms are symptoms of other bugs so no-one can be too sure. As epidemics go it is, all things considered, a very strange one. From its outset, the hospitals have been quieter than ever and so have the casualty departments. There are no ambulances dashing about rushing the stricken to overloaded COVID wards and no bodies stacking up at undertakers. The air is not full of the wailing of the bereaved. Very few people except those in the aforementioned vulnerable categories are at serious risk from this bug and the young and reasonably healthy are at virtually no risk whatsoever.

This is the fairly tolerable planet inhabited by people who actually LOOK at the world around them rather than wait for a newspaper or slightly dim but immensely self important politician to tell them what reality is.

Which one do you live on?

Human Rights Video #29: Responsibility

The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever. Please promote the Youth for Human Rights videos so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

Human Rights Video #28: Fair and Free World

The lack of peace in certain regions is proof positive that these principles are actually valid and needed, more than ever. Please promote the Youth for Human Rights videos so more people are aware of and insist upon their rights so that we can live in a peaceful society.

Watch the video and if you think so too, please share it!

More “Doctors for the Truth” speak out in Madrid, medically dismantling the false pandemic of COVID-19

German Doctors For Truth

PRESS CONFERENCE IN SPAIN. With the participation of hundreds of professionals from all over the world, «Doctors for the truth» denounced that the Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth.

Kindness Is Important To The Giver And Receiver

If your children are not around special needs children at school and have never been taught that not everyone is the same then maybe you could take 10 min tonight to explain this to them because they will encounter them in their lives, as it should be.

In the light of recent events on the exclusion of a child who has autism from participating in a school trip and a child with Down Syndrome being kicked out of dance class because she couldn’t keep up, I feel the need to share this. There are boys and girls that nobody invites to birthday parties.
There are special kids who want to belong to a team but don’t get selected because it is more important to win than include these children. Children with special needs are not rare or strange, they only want what everyone else wants: to be accepted!! For all the wonderful children out there.Love you share this for those special children out there. 💖❤️💘💜💝🧡💞💛💓💚💗💙🖤🤎🤍💟Please teach your children to be kind to these beautiful children!❤️💙

You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science – (Don’t Think For Yourself. Trust Me, I know Best.)

Dr Sherri Tenpenny says of the author of this article: Ethan Siegel is clearly deranged. This is one of the most alarming pieces of propaganda I’ve seen in a LONG time.

Tom: The most blatant promotion of authoritarian tyrrany I have ever read. Every example he uses of unchallengable certainties, from fluoride and vaccines being safe to global warming being anthropomorphic is a blatant lie and disprovable falsehood.

Albert Eistein said “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

I will go with Albert over Ethan any day of the week and twice on Sunday!

Here’s a list of 32 subjects where if you had trusted the scientific advice it could have been [and was for many] deadly: 


In the Forbes article Ethan says we cannot form accurate opinions on areas outside our own fields of expertise, we must take the word of authority. Here is what the curators of the medical authority publications have to say about that:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)”

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness…”

“The apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data. Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours.

“Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of ‘significance’ pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-tale… …Journals are not the only miscreants. Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and talent…” (Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief, The Lancet, in The Lancet, 11 April, 2015, Vol 385, “Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?”)

Here is the link to the article. WARNING: It could be severely assaulting to your sensibilities and your opinion of your thinking ability if you believe this claptrap.


An Intelligent Medical Viewpoint

Written by and ICU nurse who said to me she’d rather stay anonymous – Death rate of covid in Aus is 0.015%.

“Has logic and common sense truly gone? Like seriously I am actually losing faith in humanity’s ability to think for themselves. All I hear is people regurgitating informtation like zombies. This is more like a zombie apocalypse actually of the blind leading the blind. Since when do hundreds of experts get completely censored, some who have greater credentials than those giving advice to our government?

They fail to put context to mortality numbers are : 122 deaths on Australia – just 3 below the age of 60 (I’ve seen some pretty ‘old’ 60 year olds in terms of physical condition- these numbers are over 6 months! ALSO after BLM and no lockdown for quite some time!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SHOWS that not having lockdown didn’t cause a massive Italy catastrophe

This equates to every second month one person under the age of 60 has died. I can assure you this number is low.

Also, total number of deaths – 122 over 6 months equals 20 people out of 8 million dying every month.

Now if anyone has any Understanding about how many people die of old age every week and month of viruses on the background of old age they would understand in terms of mathematics the numbers are insignificant in terms of being a medical crisis.

All you have to do is look up gastroenteritis symptoms and see the deaths in mainly children and elderly- far younger cohort than covid. Where was the lockdown for this in the past when every season gastro sweeps though nursing homes and kills also babies and children????? Virus isn’t even fully understood. Past influenza seasons have far far higher mortality rates.

Now, surgical masks misconceptions. They DO NOT stop tiny virus particles going through ! These are tiny tiny particles. Surgical masks are made to prevent large droplets if saliva from a SURGEON entering the open cavity of a patient and prevent LARGE droplet splatter from the patient getting on the surgeons face. 0% effective in regards to small virus particles- this is quoted by infection control nurse specialist that o have shared in a previous video from the UK and a surgeon plus many many more health professionals all over the world including our own government at the start of all this, so frustrating people can’t see this MASSIVE contradiction.

N95 masks although better still don’t offer full protection. They then for both types of masks need to be thrown out after 2-3 hours use. They need to also be taken off the correct way as you run the risk of the mask harbouring germs inside it. So tour choice but don’t tell people what to do when there is no science behind it.

People need to think critically and look at the goddam data and look at this in context of age and time!

The economic downfall of this will kill far far more (already has) then the virus. If anyone actually gave a crap about saving lives they would be for opening the economy properly instead of using their own selfish fear and projecting on others that isn’t even statically valid. I’ve noticed a lot of unhealthy people ie smokers preaching to others- stay at home- maybe take your cigarette out of your mouth first before dictating health.

People are allowing fear to control them by buying into fear mongering by the Andrews government and the mainstream media and then PROJECTING THEIR own fears on to others.

I’m sorry but I’m starting to get incredibly frustrated with the condemning of others who think logically and choose not to live in a constant state of fear and i am also frustrated with the ignorance that people seem not to see past the propaganda and think 💭- like just think for yourself . Think- is it normal for the ADF to be deployed given these numbers? Is it normal to be fined for not wearing a mask given these numbers? Is it normal for a child to be ripped from a mother in police brutality given these numbers ? Is it valid to have more people die as a result of lockdown ? Is it good character for people to be dobbing in their neighbours ? Is it ok that people lose their entire lively hood given these numbers ?

Well guess what- this is what they are trying to condition you to- “the new normal”. Hope those dictating health advice to others enjoy our new dictatorship coming our way because you’ve literally asked for it.”


What the writer does not realise is that this lack of ability to think is not new. Only 13-20% (I have heard different calculations) of people think. The rest of them react emotionally, as can be observed in our preset situation. And as I said, this is not new. The first mention I have heard it being documented is this one:

The project was housed in Wellington House, named after the Duke of Wellesly.
American specialists drafted to help Lords Rothmere and Northcliffe included Edward
Bernays and Walter Lippman. The group held “brain storming” sessions to work out
techniques for mobilizing mass support for the war, especially among the working class
people whose sons were expected to go to the slaughter fields of Flanders in record

Using Lord Rothmere’s newspaper, new manipulative techniques were tried out and, after a period of about 6 months, it was apparent that they were a success. What the
researchers discovered was that only a very small group of people understood the process of reasoning and the ability to observe the problem as opposed to passing an opinion on it. This, said Lord Rothmere, was the way in which 87% of the British public approached the war, and that the same principle applied not only to the war, but to every conceivable problem in society in general.

In this manner, irrationality was elevated to a high level of public consciousness. The
manipulators then played upon this to undermine and distract the grasp of reality
governing any given situation and, the more complex the problems of a modern industrial society became, the easier it became to bring greater and greater distractions to bear so that what we ended up with was that the absolutely inconsequential opinions of masses of people, created by skilled manipulators, assumed the position of scientific fact.

You can view the original document on the CIA’s own website:
