Jacqui Deevoy Writes

I was banned on Twitter in August 2021 for daring to share a friend’s severe reactions to the AZ shot. He vomited black blood and found blood on his semen and urine. I was mocked and teased by trolls for mentioning this and silenced by Twitter because people didn’t believe the side effects could be so bad.

I’m with that same friend now. His initial side effects were short-lived but he’s now suffering from head pain, tremors and has had three seizures this year.

He believes his symptoms are due to the AZ jab. He’s never had these issues before he had the jab. He’s in his early 50s. Please wish him well.

(Tom: Post Covid Jab Recovery Protocol

To aid those tricked/coerced into getting the jab/those suffering post exposure to the jabbed, I have done my best to compile a Jab Recovery Protocol from the various sources I have seen recently: https://www.tomgrimshaw.com/tomsblog/?p=35644

Hope it helps!)