COVID “Vaccine” Data

Please educate yourself on the possibility of irreparably damaging your body with the Moderna not-vaccine:

Here is an explanation of why it is not a vaccine and what it is:

And here are some of the results it is producing:

In this 400 bed nursing home that had NO COVID deaths prior to the vaccinations starting, within two weeks of the vaccinations, 24 patients had died. Even if they vaccinated ALL patients (which they did not) that’s an 8% mortality rate. htttps://

And with the potential side effects the medical industry can do nothing about, like this woman’s:…/louisiana-woman…/

And the risk of death like this doctor:

And considering adequate blood Vitamin D levels lowers your mortality chances substantially:

And doctors who look for immediate solutions are currently administering at least 6 different cures for COVID-19 that do not carry the risks that the vaccine do documented here:

Coronavirus Data And Resource Compilation (Last Updated 6 September 2020)

And if you are looking for a more general collection of data on vaccines: Vaccination Data & References

Vaccination Data and References

Or proof that a court upheld the view that vaccines are NOT necessary for health:
Potentially one of the most valuable articles you will read on vaccination, the medical hierarchy forced to concede vaccinations NOT necessary for health!
The Doctor Who Beat The British General Medical Council By Proving That Vaccines Are NOT Necessary To Achieve Health

The Doctor Who Beat The British General Medical Council By Proving That Vaccines Aren’t Necessary To Achieve Health