What the heck is MTHFR? (And why you should worry about it)

MTHFR is an enzyme that converts folic acid (vitamin B9) into its usable, active form—called methyl-folate (5MTHF). Active methyl-folate is important because it plays a crucial role in a biochemical process called methylation. Methylation is heavily involved with your body’s ability to detox itself, as well as enzyme, hormone and neurotransmitter production, and it even affects your DNA!
The problem arises when someone has a mutation in the MTHFR gene. Then their bodies can’t produce enough MTHFR enzyme…
So in turn, folic acid doesn’t get converted like it should, and as a result your body’s methylation ability drops through the floor!
Unfortunately, it’s believed that between 30 to 50 percent of people carry a mutation in the MTHFR gene, which is inherited and passed down from parent to child. Many people don’t know this, but not all your genes are actively firing away 24/7. Some are lying dormant and only become a problem if they are “awakened.”
This is the reason, for example, that having a BRCA-1, BRCA-2 or p53 gene mutation is not a guarantee you will get breast cancer. The mutated gene must be triggered into action.
So if yo9u suspect you are not optimally absorbing the nutrition you ingest, ask your doctor to test for the MTHFR gene mutation.

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