Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting Does To Your Brain & Why Big Pharma Won’t Study It
One book review of The Fasting Cure, referenced in the talk, says at
If the clogged up pinhead who wrote the previous review had bothered to read the book, he would know the Upton Sinclair did not recommend fasting for 50 days nor did he recommend fasting until one became a “skeleton”. Sinclair was a proponent of periodic fasting, but he himself never fasted more than 12 days at a stretch.
The book is a collection of anecdotes, and testimonials received from people who read his article on fasting which was published in Cosmopolitain back in the day. Some of those testimonials came from people who did extend their fast to 40 or 50 days, and even longer. The letters came from people who obtained tremendous relief from various ailments, some of which were more serious illnesses common at that period, like “consumption”.
I do not agree with all his recommendations on diet, especially his advice on how to end a fast. But in all fairness, he does state that his recommendations do not work for everyone, and that everyone has to discover that for themselves.
I am a big fan of fasting, and have been doing it for years. I like intermittent fasting, and am especially a fan of the once weekly 36 hour fast. I like to start mine Saturday night and end it sometime on Monday. The longest fast I have ever done was 8 days. I was planning on a 10 day fast but stopped short, not due to hunger or any negative symptoms, but because of the awkwardness of having to explain the rapid weight loss to friends and co-workers. The weight came back quickly once I broke my fast, along with improved digestion, improved fasting blood sugar levels, and a leaner more muscular physique.
Might I also suggest Brad Pilon’s book on intermittent fasting Eat Stop Eat. It is a more moderate and scientific approach to fasting. He does present scientific studies, fully referenced, which demonstrate the positive physiological changes which occur during fasts of different length.
Here’s the link to “The Fasting Cure”:

Broccoli Sprouts Are An Intense Natural Cancer Cure

Natural cancer cure and preventions are gaining increasing attention, since according to the National Cancer Institute, at least 35% of cancer deaths are connected to diet. And while you’ve already heard that broccoli is one of the most powerful natural cancer-fighting super foods available, numerous studies have confirmed that broccoli sprouts offer even more intense benefits than the mature plant. That’s because broccoli’s natural cancer-fighting compounds — such as sulforaphane – are most concentrated in the sprouts. For example, just one ounce of broccoli sprouts contains more sulforaphane than two pounds of broccoli. Sprouts