The Tenth Anniversary of 9\11

The wrong thing to do is nothing. Despatching planes and soldiers around the planet to throw bombs and bullets all over the place has not resolved terrorism. In fact, the CIA seem to be doing an excellent job at present in the Middle East fomenting trouble in the Arab countries. I propose instead we do something radical. Communicate.

What say we communicate to as many people as possible about the lies in the official story to build interest so that a genuine investigation can occur that will put truth in place of the lies.

Those who gave their lives deserve that. A population that cares enough to find out who REALLY did it, who stood aside, who covered it up and who should be brought to justice.

Try this for starters
then maybe this will make a true non-believer out of you

9/11 was a watershed that turned the tables on personal freedoms. I think too many have done too little for too long. Now is the time to effectively communicate.

If I were one of the fallen, I know I’d prefer the truth to come out.

I personally feel a great sorrow at the tragic loss of so many brave lives for what appears from much evidence to be a false flag operation. I also feel a sense of outrage and injustice that so may lies remain unanswered with truth. I feel the best way to honour their bravery and ultimate sacrifice is for us to have the courage to speak out, to do what is necessary to flush out the truth. If the entire Congress, the Judicial system and the press are corrupt\complicit then it is time to start afresh. Get some people who are honest and can’t be bought, get them into office and protect them from harm so they can get done an honest job.

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