Safer Drug Use?

Safer Drug Use?

I disagree with this completely! Sounds nice, remove the deadly threat. But it is just further encouraging adoption and use.

I’ve got another idea! How about we do what works! I know. Really novel huh? This mob have educator kits that enable teachers, youth workers, community leaders, Scout and Guide Leaders to help kids know what harmful things drugs do and so they pledge to not take them. Sounds like where we should be allocating our resources, rather than making it “safer” for them to take the wrong path.



A fairy tale-like horror book of opinions and subjective labels with no causes, cures or hopes in mind.

Say What?!

Afghanistan Map

Karen Hadley writes: Warning, rant coming. According to CBS News: “The Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction noted that the U.S. has spent $8.6 billion to fight drug trafficking in Afghanistan since 2002, yet the country remains the world’s largest opium producer.” This is what most of Afghanistan looks like. It’s NOT HARD to figure out where the opium poppies are. I asked a soldier who spent time over there about this, if it is hard to know where the opium is grown. He said no, the U.S. military knows just where it’s grown. So why should it take $8.6 billion to create no improvement? Grrrr!

Anxious, Depressed, Insomniac? Heal Your Gut!

Daniel Nazum

90% of your Seratonin (the feel good hormone) is produced in the gut!

“If you every study out depression, anxiety, schitzophrenia, psychosis and look at the symptoms that come with all of these you will always find gastroinstinal symptoms of some sort. Always. In every disorder. Always there. Without fail. They always go together.”

Daniel Nazum CTTP, DO, DM Naturopath, Osteopath, Oriental Medicine

The simplicity and power of this just blows me away. If you don’t feel good, improve your diet! If you If you feel depressed, improve your diet and go for a walk! How many millions of people would feel better and not need drugs if they did just those two things! Pass the word. EVERYONE needs to know this!

Mainstream Lies

Mainstream Lies

I find this to have many valid examples.

Vaccine and chemotherapy-pushing doctors repeatedly cite studies that DON’T EXIST in order to brainwash their victims.

Why double-blind drug trials are a science FRAUD: The more toxic the side effects, the more patients believe the drugs are ‘working’.

Independent scientists WARN: ‘Most currently published research findings are FALSE…’.