Suicide fear over “weapons grade” technology being tested in Cornwall


Now organisations, including Cornish group Villagers Against Masts (VAM), have launched campaigns to call for greater scrutiny of mobile phone technology and coverage, citing serious concerns over health risks, especially mental health. Jane Harvey, founding member of VAM, says she has deep concerns about the amount of masts needed for 5g network. Jane cites a spate of suicides at Bristol University. Over the last year or so, they have had an unprecedented number of students committing suicide. Bristol University has it’s own 5g network surrounding the uni. They use it to trial driverless cars etc.

After I posted this link on Facebook a friend wrote:

Jim Kalaitzis Being a sound engineer, and an electronics technician by trade, certain frequencies have certain effects on organic bodies and minds…

My research and studies has convinced me that this new 5G technology is not only a mental health risk, but it also has a strong potential in creating tumours in people…

This is dangerous stuff and we should not be used as guinea pigs as such appears to be so…

Beware. Research this issue and get informed of these health risks… DO NOT take things for granted.!

Chemo Damage

Chemo Damage

You can’t heal or cure cancer by killing yourself. Many doctors would never take chemo or radiation therapies.