Splenda Is Deceiving You

Splenda Is Deceiving You

The artificial sweetener industry has defended the safety of sucralose (Splenda), stating that it rapidly passes unmetabolized through your body and therefore has no biological effects.

Recent research reveals sucralose is in fact metabolized and that it accumulates in your fat cells. The study found two new metabolites that have not previously been identified.

As these findings were not part of the original regulatory decision process for sucralose, the researchers are calling for a review of its safety and regulatory status.

Other recent research found sucralose causes definite changes in the liver of treated rats, suggesting toxic effects. According to the researchers, sucralose should be used with caution to avoid liver damage
Previous research found sucralose reduces gut bacteria by 50 percent, preferentially targeting bacteria known to have important human health benefits.


Moldy Documentary

Moldy Documentary

I am ashamed to admit that it was three years ago last month a client sent me a film to check out. I have now watched it. I am sharing it with you so you can have another piece of the jigsaw puzzle of good health.

A great quote from one of the inerviewed doctors, Daniel G Amen MD, “Too many people have this little lie in their head, ‘I can’t remember anything, but I’m (40, 50, 70, insert appropriate age figure here), that’s normal.’ No, they don’t, something’s the matter. That’s because you have been exposed to something or you have bad habits… …It’s never normal to have brain symptoms. That’s not normal. It’s the sign of trouble.”

A Polish study showed children exposed to mold suffered serious IQ drops.

Fungicides added to paints in the 1970s helped create mutations in fungii such that those that lived made us sick. Those that did not live did not make us sick. We put the fungicides in and now we’re paying the price.

An article published in 2002 in the Journal of the American Medical Association highlighted the contamination of corn with fungal toxins, as can be peanuts and coffee. Unfortunately going to the doctor with a racing heart, skin breakouts etc is rarely, if ever going to be linked to a daily cup of moldy coffee or a bowel of moldy peanuts.
