CEC’s election candidates fight to Stop bail-in — Break up the banks — Rebuild the country

The Citizens Electoral Council is taking the fight against the criminal banking apparatus that is looting Australia’s economy to the federal election.

The CEC is running a slate of Senate candidates in every state and the Northern Territory, and two House of Representatives candidates in regional Victoria.

Except for the ACT, every Australian will have the opportunity to vote for the CEC’s policy agenda to:

stop the bail-in theft of Australian bank deposits;

break up the banks to separate normal banking from dangerous speculation; and

rebuild Australia’s infrastructure and industries, financed with public credit from a national bank. 

In time for the election, the CEC has launched a new website to assist people in participating in the CEC’s campaign. Click here for the CEC’s policies and candidates on the upgraded website. https://cecaust.com.au/election2019

Election goal

Aside from winning seats, the CEC’s goal in this election is to force Australia’s serious banking problems onto the political agenda.

Banking is not a single issue. Unless the banking problems are fixed, the nation is headed for economic disaster.

The royal commission exposed that misconduct and criminality are rife in the banking system, but that is not the full picture.

Unregulated banking practices have also created a massive bubble in the housing market, and left Australia with the second highest household debt in the world.

On top of it all the banks have run up close to $40 trillion in derivatives gambling debts.

At every stage the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) have assisted the banks in their misconduct and reckless speculation, while the government has stood by and let the banks run riot.

Consequently, Australia is in the same position now as countries such as the United States and Ireland were in early 2008—facing a massive financial crash, an “economic Armageddon”.

The crash in the housing market will crash the banks, which have the highest exposure to housing of any banks in the world. This will crash the economy which has become concentrated in financial services and construction. And it will threaten the banks’ derivatives speculation, which could potentially trigger a meltdown in the $1.2 quadrillion (thousand trillion) global derivatives bubble.

A derivatives meltdown will be the excuse for international banking authorities to direct APRA to bail in Australian bank deposits—to effectively sacrifice the savings of Australians in order to prop up the failing banks so they don’t default on their derivatives obligations and cause a global crisis.

This is a danger to all Australians, which trumps all other election issues, but the CEC is the only party addressing it.


What are the major parties, and the media for that matter, saying about banking in this election campaign? Nothing, that’s what. Given that we have just finished a royal commission that proved that both major parties protected bank crimes for years—the ALP just a few years less than the Liberals—this is a scandal.

Banking should be dominating this election, and the major parties should be tripping over each other to be the toughest on banking misconduct and crimes, which would be very popular. It is a sure sign of the corruption of Australian politics that they are not.

With the individual banks, the Australian Banking Association under ex-Labor premier Anna Bligh, the big four global accounting firms that hide bank crimes, and property developers, as the biggest donors to the major parties, it is clear why the major parties want to sweep banking issues under the carpet, and do the bare minimum in response to the royal commission.

Don’t let them get away with it!

The CEC is calling on Australian voters to not just support the CEC’s candidates, but also confront all of the candidates in their electorates and demand to know where they stand on bail-in, breaking up the banks, and a national bank.

Do they support bank customers having their deposits seized to prop up failing banks? If not, what are they going to do about bail-in?

Do they support breaking up the banks so bankers can’t gamble with deposits or lure customers into risky investments they don’t need? If so, will they vote for the Banking System Reform (Separation of Banks) Bill 2019 that is before the Senate?

Do they support a national bank that can invest public credit in the infrastructure Australia desperately needs, lend to small business and productive industry, and generally ensure that the important areas of the economy function properly?


The CEC is not able to run candidates in every seat, partly because the major parties have conspired to price out independently funded parties and candidates by doubling the nomination fee again. This is how the major parties collude—faced with losing increasing votes to minor parties and independents, instead of changing their policies they work out how to block competition.

Where the CEC doesn’t have candidates, vote and preference those candidates and parties that support taking on the banks. The parties that are genuine include:

Katter’s Australian Party—Bob Katter was the first to introduce the Separation of banks bill into Parliament, in June 2018;

The Greens—have become serious champions of bank separation and a people’s bank;

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation—Pauline Hanson introduced the Separation of Banks bill into the Senate in February, and her fellow Senator Peter Georgiou referred it to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee for an inquiry, the outcome of which the panicked Liberals have rigged on behalf of the banks;

Centre Alliance—Rebekha Sharkie supported Bob Katter’s introduction of the Separation of Banks bill, and the Centre Alliance senators voted for a motion to break up the banks in September 2018. 

Contact all other individual candidates and parties to find out where they stand. Let’s ensure that whoever wins this election, when they take their seats in the House and Senate they have banking separation ringing in their ears!

CoQ10’s potential capabilities for your health

CoQ10 Heart Health

CoQ10 is one of the supplements I take each day. Here is why:

CoQ10, short for coenzyme Q10, is a substance naturally produced by the human body. It’s found in the inner membranes of your mitochondria,1,2 and is crucial for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that’s responsible for pushing energy where it’s needed both within a cell and all over your body.

There are two forms of CoQ10: ubiquinone (another given name for CoQ10) and ubiquinol, the reduced form of CoQ10 that’s considered a far more effective alternative for people over 40 who have difficulty with absorbing the regular version. The conversion of CoQ10 into ubiquinol happens thousands of times every second inside the mitochondria, and this process plays a big role in allowing your body to transform the food you eat into energy.


Fecal transplants yield MASSIVE breakthrough for child autism, 50% reduction in severity

Fecal transplants yield MASSIVE breakthrough for child autism, 50% reduction in severity

Scientists are celebrating a “world-first discovery” which shows the “highest improvement” in child autism patients, using fecal transplants to massively curtail symptoms and greatly reduce suffering.
The results of the initial study involving 18 children show great promise: 83 percent of the children had “severe” autism symptoms, but just two years later, only 17 percent had “moderate” symptoms, while 44 percent fell below the threshold for “mild” autism.

The team recorded a roughly 45-percent drop in language, social, and behavioural issues in the children over the course of the study.


Mobile Phone Frequencies Cause Cancer

Mobile Phone Frequencies Cause Cancer

“Our findings of cancerous tumors in rats exposed to environmental levels of RF are consistent with and reinforce the results of the US NTP studies on cell phone radiation, as both reported increases in the same types of tumors of the brain and heart in Sprague-Dawley rats. Together, these studies provide sufficient evidence to call for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to re-evaluate and re-classify their conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans,” said Fiorella Belpoggi PhD, study author and RI Director of Research.

The Health Risks of 5G

In this new story over at Forbidden Knowledge TV that Steve Quayle linked to on his website Wednesday morning they reported that the roll out of 5G is already causing staggering health problems after firefighters in several different California counties from San Francisco to Sacramento to Los Angeles reported neurological damage, headaches, insomnia, memory problems and confusion soon after 5G equipment was installed outside of their fire stations.

And while one wouldn’t blame the reader for thinking that story might be some bizarre ‘conspiracy theory’, back on May 29th of this year, CBS Sacramento reported that major health risk questions have been raised about the roll out of 5G just months before Sacramento officially launches 5G services and their story indeed reports:

Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby.

As the Forbidden Knowledge TV story also reported, when the firefighters were tested, they were found to have brain abnormalities and measurable neurological deficits and as this January story over at CBS San Francisco reported, California firefighters have now been exempted from the installment of 5G equipment near their fire stations.

Percent Over 65 In Poverty By Country

Percent Over 65 In Poverty By Country

THIS is why we need to change the system!

Please don’t keep doing the same old thing that got us here. This election be the change you wish to see. Don’t vote greens, liberal, labor or nationals! Look at the others and pick someone who will represent the people not the system!

Live Q And A With Doctor

Live Q And A With Doctor

Today I received an email about a live Q and A with a doctor who has had success treating a number of health issues. Here is the data:

Hey Tom,

I’m writing with a quick message about something special I arranged for you.

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 23rd) at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST, is going to be a great night!

I’ll be hosting a live Q&A call with one of our expert doctors, someone I have immense respect for. He’s treated over 5,000 patients and had spectacular results on these cases and many more (below):

Neurodegenerative Disorders 
Depression / Anxiety and Mood Disorders  
Chronic Hypothyroidism / Hashimoto’s  
Hormone Imbalance 
Irritable Bowel Disease  

This live call is usually reserved just for formal members of our Depression, Anxiety & Dementia SecretsTM Community to ask their questions…

But, because of your interest in these issues, and the challenges you might be facing, I wanted to give YOU the opportunity to ask your most burning question, too!

Click here for details about our revolutionary guest expert — and to ask your own question.

We’re asking you to submit your question ahead of time. This will help you get the most out of this call. We’ll group questions together into categories to make sure we cover everything thoroughly.

Then we’ll call you by your first name, and share our treatment protocols within these conditions and symptom groups. This way, we can focus on the action steps you need to take — and give you the in-depth and personal direction you need and deserve to restore your health.

Click here to see who our “mystery guest expert” is — and ask your question for the live Q&A.

Go ahead and set an alert on your calendar for tomorrow night at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST.

I’ll send a reminder email several hours before the call goes live.

You won’t want to miss this exciting evening!

To your health and happiness,

Jonathan Otto

P.S. Check out the extensive list of conditions our doctor has expertise in dealing with. We’ll likely be answering questions on all of these cases, and more. You won’t want to miss it!

Click here to get all the information & access the page for our live Q&A

Chronic Hypothyroidism
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Hormone Imbalance
Irritable Bowel Disease
Crohn’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Psoriatic Arthritis
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue
Brain Fog
Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Weight Loss Resistance
Adrenal Fatigue
Chronic Infections
Low Immune Function
Skin Conditions Unresponsive to Meds
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Food Sensitivities and Allergies
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Neurodegenerative Disorders
Insulin Resistance/Diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease
Chronic Hypertension

Go here to register: https://depressionanxietyseries.com/protocol-2