The Amazon

A friend just forwarded me this:
“Numerous nations and industries have ceased or limited their business with Brazil over the ongoing Amazon wildfires, which have been allegedly ignited by the Brazilian government’s desire to rapidly industrialize the area. Quietly, the US and Brazil made a $100 million pledge to further industrialize the Amazon. Brazil’s Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo proclaimed that further development is the the only way to protect the forest. “So we need new initiatives, new productive initiatives, that create jobs, that create revenue for people in the Amazon and that’s where our partnership with the United States will be very important for us,” Araujo stated. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that the initiative will be fueled by the private sector and carried out over the next 11 years.”

Trail Mix Analogy

Trail Mix Analogy

Government: Your child needs to eat this trail mix. It is very healthy. If they don’t eat it, we have the right to deny them basic government services.

Mums: Oh! Ok. What’s in it?

Government: You don’t need to know that. It is very healthy. It will make them healthy. The entire scientific community agrees.

Mums: (looks up nutritional facts label online) WHOA. There’s aluminum, formaldehyde, known carcinogens and aborted fetal dna in that trail mix. How can that be safe?

Government: Don’t look at that. Trust us. It’s very safe. Trail mix makes your kids healthy AND as a result, the whole world healthy.

Mums: Oh! So there’s been safety studies?

Government: …………

Mums: Like, studies that show that each ingredient is safe? That maybe compare children long term who have and have not eaten the trail mix? That have made sure that children with compromised immune systems or common genetical differences won’t have any short or long term issues as a result of eating this trail mix?

Government: ………

Mums: Ok, so if my kid DOES have a reaction to this trail mix, can I sue the manufacturer for liability?

Government: No. We have exempted them from all liability.

Mums: Wait…who IS the manufacturer of this trail mix?

Government: Just the top four snack manufacturers. They make all snacks.

Mums: Don’t those guys get sued all the time? Haven’t they been convicted of falsifying research? Bribing government officials? And now you have exempted them from all liability on this trail mix?!?

Government: Yes. But this product is healthy and very safe.

Mums: But what if my kid DOES have a reaction? The nutritional label lists all sorts of horrible possible side effects.

Government: They won’t. Or if they do, we’ll try our best to convince you it was just a coincidence. If you’re REALLY persistent, we might award you some money.

Mums: How much money have you given so far to parents of children who had reactions?

Government: Eh…4 billion or so.

Mums: 4 BILLION?!? What percentage of reactions do you think are reported?

Government: About 1%, we figure.

Mums: Wait, wait, wait. So kids ARE having reactions….there have been NO unbiased, double blind placebo tested safety studies, the manufacturers have been exempted from all liability, those same manufacturers have been convicted of bribing officials & falsifying research, the ingredients (once I found them on my own since you wouldn’t provide me the nutritional label) are concerning, and you STILL WANT MY KID TO EAT THIS TRAIL MIX?

Government: Yes. It is very healthy.