George Carlin – The Fear of Germs

George Carlin - The Fear of Germs

This guy takes it even further than I do! Hopefully it’s for the humour value!

But seriously, you have 10,000 different types of germs right now. Why don’t they all make you sick? Because your immune system is doing what it is designed to do!

And if you’ve been keeping up with my posts you will have read recently that unless a baby has an infection before they are one, their immune system does not develop the way it should!

The Technical Reason Why Unvaccinated Children Have Stronger Immune Systems


From a certified medical laboratory scientist.

The statement “un-vaccinated children have a stronger immune system than vaccinated children” is supported by science. A paper published in the New York Academy of Sciences in 1995 explains why. This was one of the first papers I read that opened my eyes to the ineffectiveness of the current vaccination policy.

I have stated many times that antibody response is only half the story when it comes to immunity. Antibodies are not the only mechanism for eliminating pathogens from the body. Other mechanisms at work are cytokines (chemicals that attract white blood cells to attack the pathogen), complement (a macromolecule that literally drills holes into the shell of the pathogen turning it into Swiss cheese), and T-cells.

The mechanism of how the body responds to a natural infection and develops lifelong immunity afterward is by the creation of a special type of T-cell called a T-helper cell (Type1). Th1 cells release specific cytokines that activate Natural Killer Cells. The Natural Killer Cells are the most effective method for eliminating intra-cellular pathogens like viruses.

This paper identifies the pitfall of the current vaccination policy that by attempting to “fool” the immune system into thinking there is an invading pathogen (when the pathogen is actually either dead or inactivated), the vaccine creates a different type of T-cell called a T-helper cell (Type 2). Th2 cells are effective at eliminating extra-cellular pathogens. They release different cytokines that primarily focus on the creation of antibodies.

Are antibodies capable of eliminating pathogens? Yes. Are they the MOST EFFECTIVE at taking on an intra-cellular pathogen like a virus? Absolutely NOT!!! In fact, the flu virus actually has been shown to have developed a mechanism by which it can target Th2 cells and destroy them. And you wonder why the flu shot is worthless? That’s why!

An antibody titer following a vaccination is going to be high because all you have done by giving the vaccine is created antibodies. But antibodies are the scrawny little pipsqueek in the immune system family compared to the Natural Killer Cells which are more like Rambo or Arnold Schwartzenegger!

A policy of vaccination (instead of natural exposure) will actually switch the body’s innate sense to create Th1 cells when exposed to an intra-cellular pathogen like a virus and instead it will produce Th2 cells even when exposed to the wild type virus. Hence, a child who has been fully vaccinated has a “weaker” immune system compared to a child who has never been vaccinated because the latter will produce Th1 cells (that will activate Natural Killer cells) and the former will produce Th2 cells (which will produce antibodies).

It also makes it more understandable why a child who has been fully vaccinated against a viral infection like measles can still develop measles when they are exposed to the wild type virus.

A Two-Dose Vaccine For Chicken Pox Now Is Linked To An Epidemic Of Shingles

Chicken Pox Rash

We have swapped a mild chilhood disease for a more lethal adult one. Dr. David Brownstein says that the two-dose vaccine for chicken pox does lower the rate of that childhood illness. However, shingles, which is a painful recurrence of chickenpox, mostly in adults, has become an epidemic that is directly related to the vaccine. Shingles is far more serious and life-threatening than chicken pox. The bottom line is that billions of dollars are spent on vaccinating children to reduce the rate of a relatively mild childhood disease only to make them more susceptible to the same virus as adults causing serious illness (more medical bills) and even death. Big Pharma wins at both ends of the cycle.

Fernald State School Experiment

Fernald State School Experiment

Think your governemnt is looking after you and would not do anything harmful?

If the government would do this then, why do you hold that they would not do it now? Especially given the degradation in moral and ethical standrards in the intervening 63 years since this particular program ended.

In the last few years the US FDA has collected over 2.5 Billion dollars from drug companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Bristol-Myers and Merck – in order to fast track the approval of drugs. (Please remember that the average drug has 75 side effects, one of which is death.)

If you think $2.5 Billion dollars is easy to turn your back on so you can recommend herbal remedies that do as good with no negative side effects, then you should do some more homework on the nature of greed and man’s inhumanity to man and the corruption of US government agencies!

I am not saying this to be alarmist or a scare monger. I am saying it so you have a correct understanding of the influences counter to your intention to live a healthy, happy life. Ignorance is deadly! As is depression and hopelessness, so ensure you look always for how you can be at cause. By all means see a GP for a diagnosis but rather than accept a prescription from a GP, consult a naturopath or herbalist for something that will not just suppress the symptoms but rather cure the cause.