New Technology Prints Working Organs and Tissue

3D Printed Heart

Have you ever heard of 3D printing?

They are a new generation of machines that can make everyday things and what makes them so remarkable is they can produce different kinds of objects, in different materials, all from the same machine.

A 3D printing machine can make anything from ceramic cups to plastic toys to metal machine parts.

They even have the capability to make human organs!

That’s right… HUMAN ORGANS!

Until recently, scientists have been able to grow human organs using what’s called the scaffolding process but a new discovery by a team at Illinois University has taken things to a new level.

In today’s article, you’re going to discover how this new process of creating and growing human organs works along with what makes it safer than the scaffolding process.

Click here and discover this groundbreaking human organ growing process

We don’t have to tell you how revolutionary this discovery is.

Think about it, being able to create intricate forms from which different cell types can be grown and stabilized without the use of traditional scaffolds or hydrogel carriers is truly mind blowing.

We hope this serves you well!

To a healthy brain,

The Healing Miracle Team

The Gut-Thyroid Link

The Gut-Thyroid Link

I received this from Ari of The Energy Blueprint:

In this episode, I am speaking with Dr. Michael Ruscio – who is a Doctor of Chiropractic, clinical researcher, expert on the gut and author of the bestseller, “Healthy Gut, Healthy You.” – about the gut-thyroid link and how to treat hypothyroidism naturally and heal your gut.

In this podcast, Dr. Ruscio will cover:

The latest research on SIBO (And is the breath test a valuable method for diagnosis?)
What it means if you are diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism
How does gut health affect thyroid health?
The surprising link between thyroid antibodies and hypothyroidism (It’s not what you think!)
Is there a link between gluten consumption, autoimmunity, and hypothyroidism?
Should you be concerned about lectins in your diet?
The top tips for people dealing with a thyroid condition

You can watch or listen to the podcast at


Chicago smart water meter installations STOPPED after city finds spikes of brain-damaging lead in homes

Smart Meters No

Chicago’s aggressive push to metered water came to a grinding halt on 28th June 2019 after testing found spikes of brain-damaging lead in more than 1 in 5 homes sampled, following the installation of a digital water meter. The Department of Water Management’s website states that, “To protect our residents, and especially children, we are going to stop installing water meters until we identify a solution”.

Its FAQ webpage on water quality reveals that the indication is “the installation of water meters is the issue, not the replacement of water mains”. The webpage also made it clear that the new meters don’t have lead in them.

So what could possibly have gone wrong? Is it possible that pulsed radiofrequencies in proximity to legacy lead pipes, or brass fixtures containing lead, are not ideal bedmates? There is anecdotal evidence that high frequency fields produced by antennas can affect corrosion rates.

You Have Power Over Your Mind

You Have Power Over Your Mind

Not every thought you think is yours. Some come from the dark side and are best not nurtured. Let them go as easily as they arrived. Nurture and develop those that build you and others, that are helpful, aesthetic, inspiring and constructive.



I am sure this is scientifically validated. Said with tongue in cheek. 🙂 Well my skepticism was misplaced, turns out it is true! Hugging increases levels of the “love hormone” oxytocin, which is beneficial for stress levels, heart health, and more.

Shocking Levels of Glyphosate Found in Popular Foods

Shocking Levels of Glyphosate Found in Popular Foods

Believe it or not, when it comes to the concentration of glyphosate in our food, some of the healthiest sounding snacks can contain significantly more of this nasty chemical than something like Cheez-It crackers. I am not suggesting you run out and get them as your new goto snack, merely showing how our common sense of what is likely a healthier option can be VERY wrong.

Roundup is used on food crops in increasing amounts across the United States, and that glyphosate (Roundup’s key ingredient) is known to cause liver and kidney damage to rats in amounts as small as .1 parts per billion. It has also been proven to be an endocrine disruptor in humans at as little as .05 ppm, and if that’s not bad enough, the World Health Organization considers glyphosate a probable carcinogen.

You probably already know that GMO crops are drenched with Roundup, because they are created to be resistant to the herbicide. You may not know, however, that the chemical is also used on other crops—for example, glyphosate is often used in large amounts on wheat to dry it before harvest. Roundup on crops is one thing, but how much of it actually makes its way into our food?

A 2016 study brings to light the alarming fact that not only does Roundup travel from farm to supermarket to table, it does so in large amounts. In fact, many of the most popular American foods contain much more than enough Roundup to cause damage. Among the offenders are foods that are marketed to children, snack and breakfast foods whose names are practically iconic, and even some that are marketed under “healthy” labels.

The biggest offender in the study is a cereal that babies are often given as a finger-food when they are learning to feed themselves: Cheerios.

That’s right—those innocent little O’s actually contain glyphosate at the rate of 1125.3 parts per billion! And there are other offenders that you wouldn’t guess would be harboring high levels of glyphosate. Below is a sample of some of the study’s results:

Below is a sample of some of the study’s results:

Click here to see which common foods have the highest concentration of this highest concentration of glyphosate.

It’s noteworthy that many of the products listed above carry healthy-sounding labels that suggest a product that’s good for you—such as Simply Naked, Back to Nature, Whole Grain or Gluten Free. Organic products even made the list, proving that even when crops are specifically grown organically they can be contaminated by glyphosate. In fact, the organic round crackers had more glyphosate than Cheez-it crackers (which had a comparatively low level of 24.6 ppb).
What does this mean for you, the consumer?

The Amazing Adaptogens & Tonic Herbs

Ashwagandha superfood powder and root on cutting board on wooden table from above. Adaptogen.

Adaptogenic herbs boost energy, restore vitality, and help raise the body’s ability to deal with the stresses of modern life ~ and, as an added bonus, they have no harmful side effects. They are also the prime herbs used for increasing life force and one’s quality of life as one ages (or sageing, as I prefer calling the aging process). Broadly speaking an Adaptogen can be any substance or lifestyle change that helps one adjust or adapt to our modern day environment (such as heating or air conditioning), but the term is most often used to describe a group of herbs that have a long history of promoting longevity and increasing the overall strength and resiliency of our bodies.

For more data…

Autism From Preservatives

Researchers from the University of Central Florida (UCF) just announced intriguing findings which describe cellular changes that develop when neuronal stem cells are exposed to elevated levels of a chemical typically found in processed foods.

The study serves as an example of the importance of the food pregnant women eat, and how it may potentially affect development of the fetal brain.

The study describes how elevated levels of the preservative, propionic acid (PPA)–used to extend shelf life and reduce mold in packaged foods, breads and cheeses—can adversely affect the development and differentiation of neurons in fetal brains in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).