Herbal supplements filled with fake ingredients, investigators find

Herbal Supplement Fraud

Numerous store brand supplements aren’t what their labels claim to be, according to an ongoing investigation that subjected popular herbal supplements to DNA testing.

The investigation, led by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, focused on a variety of herbal supplements from four major retailers: GNC, Target, Walmart and Walgreen Co. Lab tests determined that only 21 percent of the products actually had DNA from the the plants advertised on the labels.

“This investigation makes one thing abundantly clear: The old adage ‘buyer beware’ may be especially true for consumers of herbal supplements,” Schneiderman said. His office issued cease and desist letters to the retailers on Monday telling them to stop sales of the products.


The Shots Give AIDS


I don’t know if you recall it but I recall it well. The first analysis of the Covid virus was reported out of India in January 2020. The researchers stated that it contained fragments of HIV and was man interfered with, as Reiner Fuellmich has stated, there are many patents on it from 1999 to 2011. Of course the research was very quickly retracted, as dangerous truths are.The Shots Give AIDS

Where George Orwell Was Wrong

Apparently nothing will ever teach these people that the other 99 percent of the population exist. ~George Orwell, Diaries

Oh but George! They DO know we exist! They hate us and fear us. They think if we had the power that we would do to them what they are trying to do to us. Kill them all!