Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
I’ve been verbally sharing this old Polish saying for a while but here it is a a meme! While it is very beneficial (for you and them) to be compassionate to your fellow man it is not worthwhile allowing their clouds to rain on your parade! Help by all means but do not take their pain aboard.

Is What You Are Told True?

Cecile posted a wonderful quote this week from Carl Sagan that was never so apt as when applied to those scammed by the medical profession into thinking that vaccinations were the result of the drop in infectious diseases:
One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.
There is a quote to the same effect, attributed to Mark Twain but allegedly unproven as penned by him.
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Despite the disputes over it’s authenticity, it is, unfortunately, observably true!
So next time somebody presents you with data conrary to what you have previously been told, it might pay to stop and fact check the contrary data. And relying on daya presented by an “authority” as being more valid is very often a lazy and incorrect choice. Especially if they are asking you to trust their authority rather than actually looking for your self.
You cannot live long enough in one lifetime to learn all you need to know by direct observation, so you have to take in a great deal of data second hand, that is written by someone else who observed. But you do have to exercise more judgement with second hand data than you do with that you directly observe. One thing you have to ask is, “Is there a slant being given, is there a vested interest being forwarded with this data.”

Maturity Level 1

Maturity Level 1
This is a level 1 maturity.
A higher level of maturity, or competence, is to correct the person or situation.

Some Wisdom From Joe…

Two nights ago, before going to bed, I was reading the James Bond book, Doctor No. I’ve been enjoying it. Ian Fleming’s books have a genuine sense of threat, realism and danger that make them more exciting than the films. However, the last thing I expected was that my nightly ‘relaxation read’ would morph into something more akin with my daytime inspirational reading.
About three quarters of the way through the story, James Bond has been captured by Doctor No on Crab Key Island (just off the coast of Jamaica). Not satisfied with executing him immediately (we all know that ones’ gonna come back to haunt him!), he decides to play games with Bond. First, he’ll engage in a bout of mental sparring as they share dinner and then, for his amusement, he’ll force Bond to run the gauntlet of death.
During the meal, as the conversation turns to Doctor No’s future plans, he offers the most profound piece of wisdom I’ve ever read outside of a personal development/philosophy book. He had this to say on the subject of desire and getting what you want in life,
“I can see you are also a man who knows what he wants. On this occasion your desires will be satisfied. Do you not find that it is generally so? When one wants a thing one gets it? That is my experience.”
“The small things” [Bond’s reply]
“If you fail at the large things it means you have not large ambitions. Concentration, focus – that is all. The aptitudes come, the tools forge themselves.
‘Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world’ – but only if the desire to move the world is there.”
Wow. I couldn’t believe it. From my 15 year experience of attempting to ‘get what I want’, I can say that Doctor No’s assessment is absolutely correct. Concentrations and focus, above strategy, tactics and knowledge, are the key. You need little else, and the qualities and skills that you do need, can be gained through these essential ingredients.
If you have a desire to achieve or experience something, and can focus on this end, to the exclusion of your fears, doubts and questions, then the tools needed for your goals realisation will be revealed to you along your journey.
I’m now starting to warm to Doctor No, despite him being a sadistic a##hole. Hopefully Bond can let him escape after putting a stop to his maniacal plan to rule the world!

Six Steps To Support the Food Revolution

Six Steps To Support the Food Revolution
We need to defend ourselves and our families by buying organic and truly natural foods and products, today and every day. Grow your own food. Build up local food hubs and community capacity. Support economic justice campaigns so that poor and minority communities can afford and gain access to organic foods. Reach out to others and get organized. Don’t just mourn or complain, resist and boycott!

Take Jury Duty

Take Jury Duty
A worthy repeat from 2012… …still as valid today as it ever was, maybe more so. An informed jury prepared to find the accused not guilty if charged with breaking tyrannical laws is our legal and legitimate defence afainst tyranny.
A judge cannot find the accused not guilty of breaking tyrannical laws, only a jury can do that. And they can only do it if they know they can do it. So spread the word. Your freedom might depend on you having a jury of 12 good men and true who know their and your rights!

Take On The Corporations

Take On The Corporations
Most of us would not knowingly, deliberately fund a terrorist organisation.
Most of us unwittingly do, every day, through the purchases we make.
To avoid this, take the following steps:
To reduce the power (income, personnel and influence) of the multinationals and increase your awareness, competence and survival potential.
Become more aware. (Ignorance is never bliss. It leads to unpleasant surprises, often with disastrous consequences.)
Inform and educate yourself as to the way The System works and tread a different path.
Add your voice to the campaigns promoting sanity over vested interests, government power, tyranny and corruption.
Start by reading labels and understanding what is in what you eat and who is the owner of the business from whom you are buying.
Don’t buy things you don’t need.
Pay down your debt.
Get more competent at communication and selling and marketing.
Transition to a job that is on your basic purpose line. (Chances are it won’t be working for a multinational.)
Buy local, patronise mum and dad business and local farmers organic markets.
Have 50% of my weekly expenditure go to non-multinationals within 3 months.
Have 70% of my weekly expenditure go to non-multinationals within 6 months.
Make the time to make more of your own food rather than buying preprepared and packaged food.
Have 70% of my food made at home within three months.
Have 90% of my food made at home within twelve months.
Sell what you have that you do not need.
Clear out non-used items and garage sale or otherwise sell them – 3 months.

“The biggest mistake I ever made was…going to see a psychiatrist” (Stevie Nicks)

Stevie Nicks - My Biggest Mistake
Geoff Greening posted:
Very much worthwhile reading. In this so-called ‘enlightened age’ psychiatrists continue to carry out horrendous atrocities such as ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), lobotomies, leucotomies and psychiatric drugging of children, some very young, as well as adults.
For more information on this topic go to or