Infant Mortality Rate Increase

Infant Mortality Rate Increase

…the NCHS analysis focused on maternal and not infant risk factors: The outcome was infant death, the input or “intervention” was the mother’s vaccination status.

The COVID-19 vaccines were authorized for pregnant women in April 2021, so vaccination could have affected the survivability of their fetuses and newborns within the study period.

However, the NCHS found that Blacks were more than 3 times more likely than whites to refuse vaccination, and also experienced a much smaller increase in infant mortality.

Asian Americans were 56% more likely than whites to refuse vaccination and their mortality rates improved.

Defective Vaccine Suit

Defective Vaccine Suit

So much for 90% effective.

(I searched the web site for the article but it has not been posted to the web or removed already. The power of the advertising dollar!)

More Excess Deaths In One Year Than We Lost In WWII!

(Tom: A post I snaffled from social media.)

I am trying to find a simple way to explain to a priest who tried to make out that the evil in Australia at the moment was minor compared to the systematic slaughter of Christians across African, the ethnic cleansing in parts of Asia.

How does this seem to people? I am trying to keep it simple so he can check if he wants.

Australian Bureau of Stats registered deaths
2018 = 158,493
2022 = 190,939

The 2022 figures are an increase of 32,446, a 20% increase on the 2018 figures.

Given that we now know that the jab did NOT convey ANY benefit by way of a reduction of deaths by covid, nor hospitalisations, nor time in ICU, but in fact sharply increased covid cases, hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths, we know that these figures represent a massive destruction, as bad as many wars.

Doctors continue to deny any connection between the jabs and excess deaths. There is no proof they say. But temporally we got a spike in deaths every time a major jab roll out occurred.

Politicians chose not to debate or investigate these excess deaths.

To put these deaths into perspective one year’s post vax excess deaths of over 32K beats the total deaths of Aussie military in WW2 of 27K by a wide margin.

The ABC has suggested that around 6,500 Palestinians and 1500 Israelis have died in this latest round of war, about 8000 so far.

Think of the fuss and palava we have had over these Middle Eastern deaths these last weeks.

Think of the almost total silence we have had in the media of Australia over the 32,446 deaths, murders by jabs we had in only 12 months and it appears these deaths have continued this year. However the health bureaucrats who could give us day by day numbers of people with covid, the numbers in hospitals and the numbers of patients in ICU plus those who died EVERY SINGLE DAY during the so-called pandemic, they are not able to give us even a month by month summary of the totals of excess deaths. now.

SECRETS: UK Gov. to stop publishing ‘Deaths by C-19 Vaccination Status’ because the Data has shown for 2.5 years that the COVID Vaccine reduces Lifespan significantly & the Vaccinated account for over 9 in 10 COVID Deaths

UK Deaths By Covid Vax Status

The first dataset was published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in late 2021 and covered deaths by vaccination status between 1st January and 31st July 2021. Since then, there have been a further 8 reports produced with the final report covering deaths by COVID-19 vaccination status between 1st April 2021 and 31st May 2023.

Each subsequent report has included less and less data, almost as if the UK Government had something to hide.

For instance, the report published by the Office for National Statistics on 20th Dec 21 inadvertently revealed that COVID-19-vaccinated children were up to 52 times more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children.

Here are the calculated mortality rates by vaccination status among 10-14-year-olds based on the ONS calculated person-years contained in the report published 20th Dec 21.

SECRETS: UK Gov. to stop publishing ‘Deaths by C-19 Vaccination Status’ because the Data has shown for 2.5 years that the COVID Vaccine reduces Lifespan significantly & the Vaccinated account for over 9 in 10 COVID Deaths

COVID Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here’s Why They Don’t Deserve It

Tyrants Favour Suppression

Do authoritarians deserve a chance to be treated with grace and forgiveness? The question is circulating regularly these days in the wake of the complete failure of covid pandemic response and the victory of the anti-mandate movement. The answer relies on a series of counter-questions based on logic and predictable outcomes. It’s the kind of discussion that covid cultists don’t want to have; they just want everyone to forget because they now have something to lose politically.

Covid Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here’s Why They Don’t Deserve It