Residents say Pennsylvania has failed communities after state studies linked fracking to child cancer

Fracking Well Water

The studies, conducted by University of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania Department of Health researchers, found that residents living near fracking wells were more likely to experience childhood cancer, severe asthma attacks and low birth weights. They added to dozens of other studies linking living near fracking wells with various health problems, including cancer, poor birth outcomes and cardiovascular and respiratory issues

10 ways to jumpstart autophagy for cancer protection

Autophagy is a normal biological process. In cancer, autophagy has a dual role: It can both inhibit or promote cancer. Autophagy has a powerful role in the prevention of cancer by stopping cancerous growths. However, it can be stimulated by stressors such as nutrient deprivation and certain strategies.

1 | A Plant-Based Diet Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is powerful for stimulating autophagy. This is one of the mechanisms that makes the ketogenic diet effective for fighting cancer.

The ketogenic diet is a high healthy fat, low carbohydrate, and low to moderate protein nutrition plan. This pattern of eating lowers blood sugar and insulin levels. The body adapts by burning body fat and dietary fat, rather than sugar, for fuel. By lowering insulin, the ketogenic diet induces autophagy.

The ketogenic also diet puts cancer cells at an energetic disadvantage by depriving them of their preferred fuel source, glucose. Ketones are by-products of fatty acids that are a more efficient source of cellular energy. They produce significantly more energy per molecule than glucose with much less metabolic waste. It is like putting clean fuel into your body rather than the dirty fuel produced by burning glucose.

While the ketogenic diet is powerful for stimulating autophagy, the best nutrition plan to combat cancer would combine a plant-based diet with the ketogenic diet. A plant-based diet can be potent to fight cancer because numerous plant compounds have been shown to act on different pathways in the body to downregulate cancer growth.

2 | High-Quality Protein

A plant-based ketogenic diet is a low protein diet. However, consuming high-quality protein is important for balancing out the benefits of autophagy with proper building mechanisms for a strong, healthy body.

The best sources of protein are organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised meats, dairy, and wild-caught fish. Nuts, seeds, and legumes are plant-based sources of protein which can also be used.

Another excellent source of protein is eggs from pasture-raised, organic chickens. Eggs provide a wide array of nutrients including carotenoid antioxidants, vitamins D, E, and K, fatty acids EPA, DHA and CLA, choline, and lecithin. Sources of easily digestible protein are bone broth and collagen protein. A vegan protein powder with pea, hemp, chia, or rice protein is good to add if you are avoiding or limiting animal protein sources.

Daily protein consumption on an anticancer nutrition plan should be lower than for a healthy, active individual or someone dealing with an autoimmune condition other than cancer. A higher amount of protein can overstimulate the mTOR pathway and IGF-1 which are inhibitors of autophagy.

To reduce the mTOR pathway and IGF-1 expression, it is important to consume around 0.5 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, a 160-pound person would consume only about 36 grams of protein per day. With fast-growing tumors, it may be helpful to restrict all protein for an extended period to stop the mTOR pathway.

3 | Intermittent Fasting 

In addition to the ketogenic nutrition plan, intermittent and extended day fasting is a great way to stimulate autophagy. Fasting is a biological stressor that will help slow down mTOR and IGF-1 expression, improve AMP-K expression, and stabilize the p53 gene.

In addition to stimulating autophagy, using intermittent fasting strategies can boost the immune system, improve genetic repair mechanisms, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. For anyone new to fasting, start with a simple fast of 12-14 hours for 1-2 weeks and see how your body adapts and responds.

Ramping up your intermittent fasting and doing a 16-18 hour daily fast with a weekly 24-48 hour fast can also be a great weekly stimulator of autophagy to keep the body cleaned up. The key with intermittent fasting is that when you are in your eating window, you want to eat well and until you are fully satiated. When you are in your fasting window, it is best to avoid consuming any calories to get the best benefits of autophagy.

Extended fasting is the most powerful way to enhance autophagy mechanisms. Autophagy ramps up to a very high level by day 3-4 when the body has gone through all its glycogen stores and is dependent upon breaking down body fat and cellular proteins for energy. Many experts, including Dr. Thomas Seyfried, believe that doing a 5-7-day water fast every year will activate enough autophagy to prevent cancer throughout the course of one’s life.

4 | Optimize Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D3 is a key hormonal inducer of autophagy. Vitamin D signaling can modulate autophagy throughout different mechanisms. There is also evidence that vitamin D exerts anti-tumor effects by regulating key mediators of apoptosis.

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. The ideal range for vitamin D levels is between 50-80 ng/ml. D3 is the biologically active form of vitamin D and is more potent in raising and maintaining vitamin D concentrations than D2.

Vitamin D3 is created in your skin in response to sun exposure. You should aim to get 15-20 minutes of sun exposure daily. The best dietary sources of vitamin D are wild-caught salmon and fatty fish, cod liver oil, grass-fed butter and raw cheese, egg yolks, mushrooms, and beef liver.

5 | Heat and Cold Exposure

Short bursts of intense heat and cold exposure promote autophagy mechanisms. Rapid temperature changes are a major stressor on our bodies. We must adapt quickly to get back to balance and homeostasis.

Rapid temperature changes can be used strategically as a hermetic stressor to boost autophagy. Autophagy is how our bodies adapt to the temperature changes, making us stronger and more resilient individuals.

Great ways to activate this mechanism is to exercise outside in the heat of summer or use steam or infrared sauna regularly. For cold adaptation, finishing your shower with 1 minute of the coldest temperature possible is fantastic. You can pump your arms and legs to boost circulation and feel-good compounds such as serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins.

6 | Prioritize Sleep

Good sleep is critical for optimal health. People with poor sleep habits, insomnia, and long-term night shift work have an increased risk of early-onset chronic disease development.

Our sleep cycle and circadian rhythm are intimately tied to autophagy. Autophagy is regulated in part by light and dark cycles. It is rhythmically activated in a clock-dependent manner.

To optimize sleep, be sure to follow an anti-inflammatory diet and balance your blood sugar levels. Additional strategies for better sleep are getting sunlight during the day, avoiding artificial light, blacking out your room with blackout curtains or using a sleep mask, and forming healthy sleep habits. Turning off electronics, practicing good hygiene, stretching, practicing gratitude, journaling, prayer, and being smart about caffeine intake are also strategies for good sleep.

7 | Use Anti-Inflammatory Herbs 

Herbs are natural autophagy inducers. They have tumor suppressive actions which may lead to cell senescence, increased apoptosis-independent cell death, or complement apoptotic processes.

Using herbs along with fasting and the other strategies in this article can help to optimize autophagy mechanisms in the body. Many herbs contain unique plant compounds called polyphenols. Polyphenols act to suppress the mTOR pathway and activate the AMPk pathway to induce autophagy.

The top 6 herbal and food compounds for autophagy are:

  1. Quercetin – red onions, cranberries, and elderberries
  2. 6-Shagaol – ginger
  3. Curcumin – turmeric
  4. Resveratrol – blueberries, grapes, and red wine
  5. ECGC – green tea, oolong tea, and dark chocolate
  6. Citrus bergamot – bergamot orange, earl gray tea
  7. Carnosic acid – oregano, sage, and rosemary

Curcumin has powerful antioxidant, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to induce autophagy, prevent the spread of tumors and support apoptosis (cell death). Curcumin can target cancer stem cells to aid in preventing the recurrence of cancer.

8 | Consume Green Tea and Coffee

Green tea contains EGCG and quercetin, two powerful anticancer compounds. These compounds act as powerful antioxidants that upregulate AMPK activity, inhibit IGF-1 and the mTOR pathway, and protect the p53 gene. Through these mechanisms, green tea has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and promote cancer cell apoptosis.

Green tea also helps to promote the production of the antioxidants glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD). These antioxidants drastically lower inflammation in the body.

Consuming coffee is associated with the inhibition of several metabolic diseases and a reduction in mortality. One of the health-promoting benefits of coffee is the ability to trigger autophagy. It contains multiple polyphenols which have been shown to induce autophagy. Coffee has been shown to stimulate autophagy for one to four hours after consumption.

Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffees are associated with improved health and trigger autophagy. Be sure to purchase high-quality, organic coffee as conventional coffee has very high levels of pesticides.

9 | Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

A fantastic tonic to drink during your fasting window is apple cider vinegar (ACV). ACV contains acetic acid, a compound which helps to boost your metabolism and burn body fat.

Drinking ACV can help you feel full longer and reduce your appetite. It helps to slow digestion when paired with starchy foods. This helps to stabilize your insulin levels and make you feel full while digesting. Try 1-2 tablespoons in water before meals or as a morning primer. You can also add ACV to your soups, stews, and other foods.

10 | Perform Resistance and High-Intensity Interval Training 

High-intensity exercise creates intermittent stress to stimulate autophagy. Performing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and resistance training while fasting also has the benefit of promoting fat burning and improving mood and mental focus.

Exercise in a fasted state helps to increase the autophagy signaling mechanism. When you train while fasting, your body senses that it needs more nutrients to produce energy. As muscle cells are damaged during exercise, the body breaks down and rebuilds cellular material.

HIIT and resistance training also stimulate human growth hormone (HGH). This creates an environment that favors autophagy, fat burning, and muscle tissue repair and preservation. This boost is greater when fasting. A great strategy is to work out in the morning or mid-day on a 12-16+ hour overnight fast.

Capsaicin: Inhibiting Spike Protein-Induced Line-1 Retrotransposition

Retrotransposition: a transposable element that undergoes transposition from one place to another in the genome of a cell by forming an intermediate RNA transcript from which a copy of the DNA of the transposable element is made using a reverse transcriptase and inserted into the genome at a new location.

In other words having your own DNA overwritten by elements of the spike protein. Not good.

What this article describes is research showing capsaicin (from the capsicum family – peppers and chili) inhibits the spike protein harm. You will be pleased to know chili and capsaicin are two of the 64 ingredients in my new batch of Anti-Spike Blend.

Or, as the good doctor writes:

Now that we know the Spike Protein is able to hijack Line-1 and retrotranscribe its RNA into our DNA, it is imperative to seek remedies for this phenomenon. Please see my most recent post for details about the Spike and Line-1. In that post I promised to search for natural solutions. Again, Nature does not fail to deliver. In the humble yet pungent chili pepper we find a powerful ally. Capsaicin. This nutraceutical is able to inhibit Line-1 retrotransposition, making it a potentially magnificent therapeutic.

Though I am quite certain that all reading this know what Capsaicin is, here is offered a brief primer:

Capsaicin was first isolated in 1816 by Christian Bucholz. Capsaicin is a chili pepper extract, genus Capsicum, with analgesic properties. Its chemical composition was first determined in 1919. They explained the biosynthetic pathway in the 1960s. Since its discovery, it is used as a homeopathic remedy to treat burning pain using the concept of ”treating like with like” or counter-irritant. The first reports of its pain-relieving properties appeared in the mid-1850s as a recommendation to use it for parts of the body that burn or itch. Since the first reports, one uses various preparations of capsaicin to treat a variety of chronic painful conditions. Systematic reviews have shown that capsaicin is efficacious in treating a variety of conditions, including:

Nondiabetic neuropathic pain

Postherpetic neuralgia


Chronic musculoskeletal pain

Post-mastectomy pain syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome

Overactive bladder


Postoperative nausea and vomiting


Pruritus ani

Postoperative sore throat

Improving cough reflex sensitivity in patients with a history of dysphagia and other swallowing related disorders

Chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced mucositis.


To the above mentioned abilities, we can add several more – especially with regards to the Spike Protein. Let’s first start with Capsaicin’s ability to inhibit Line-1.

In this study, we found a novel activity of capsaicin, the inhibition of L1 retrotransposition. Since L1 retrotransposition is proposed to be mutagenic and can cause tumorigenesis [9,10], capsaicin may suppress the progression of tumorigenesis through the inhibition of L1-mediated mutagenesis. Collectively, capsaicin possesses several properties that exhibit anti-cancer activities and can therefore be a potent candidate for use in anti-cancer therapies, especially in the case of certain cancers where L1 plays a role in tumorigenesis [9,10].

In conclusion, we demonstrated the potential of capsaicin for inhibiting retroviral RT activity and suppressing L1 retrotransposition, possibly via inhibition of RT activity of ORF2p. Our findings suggest the potential of capsaicin for suppressing cancer development and they may facilitate the studies of capsaicin or related compounds, capsaicinoids, for cancer prevention and treatment.

Prostate Cancer – Over-Testing and Over-Treatment

The excessive medical response to the Covid pandemic made one thing abundantly clear: Medical consumers really ought to do their own research into the health issues that impact them. Furthermore, it is no longer enough simply to seek out a “second opinion” or even a “third opinion” from doctors. They may well all be misinformed or biased. Furthermore, this problem appears to predate the Covid phenomenon.

A striking example of that can be found in the recent history of prostate cancer testing and treatment, which, for personal reasons, has become a subject of interest to me. In many ways, it strongly resembles the Covid calamity, where misuse of the PCR test resulted in harming the supposedly Covid-infected with destructive treatments.

Two excellent books on the subject illuminate the issues involved in prostate cancer. One is Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers by Dr. Mark Scholz and Ralph Blum. Dr. Scholtz is executive director of the Prostate Cancer Research Institute in California. The other is The Great Prostate Hoax by Richard Ablin and Ronald Piana. Richard Ablin is a pathologist who invented the PSA test but has become a vociferous critic of its widespread use as a diagnostic tool for prostate cancer.

Mandatory yearly PSA testing at many institutions opened up a gold mine for urologists, who were able to perform lucrative biopsies and prostatectomies on patients who had PSA test numbers above a certain level. However, Ablin has insisted that “routine PSA screening does far more harm to men than good.” Moreover, he maintains that the medical people involved in prostate screening and treatment represent “a self-perpetuating industry that has maimed millions of American men.”

Even during approval hearings for the PSA test, the FDA was well aware of the problems and dangers. For one thing, the test has a 78% false positive rate. An elevated PSA level can be caused by various factors besides cancer, so does not really test for prostate cancer. Moreover, a PSA test score can spur frightened men into getting unnecessary biopsies and harmful surgeries.

One person who understood the potential dangers of the test well was the chairman of the FDA’s committee, Dr. Harold Markovitz, who decided whether to approve it. He declared, “I’m afraid of this test. If it is approved, it comes out with the imprimatur of the committee…as pointed out, you can’t wash your hands of guilt. . .all this does is threaten a whole lot of men with prostate biopsy…it’s dangerous.”

In the end, the committee did not give unqualified approval to the PSA test but only approved it “with conditions.” However, subsequently, the conditions were ignored.

Nevertheless, the PSA test became celebrated as the route to salvation from prostate cancer. The Postal Service even circulated a stamp promoting yearly PSA tests in 1999. Quite a few people became wealthy and well-known at the Hybritech company, thanks to the Tandem-R PSA test, their most lucrative product.

In those days, the corrupting influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the medical device and drug approval process was already apparent. In an editorial for the Journal of the American Medical Association (quoted in Albin and Piana’s book), Dr. Marcia Angell wrote, “The pharmaceutical industry has gained unprecedented control over the evaluation of its products…there’s mounting evidence that they skew the research they sponsor to make their drugs look better and safer.” She also authored the book The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It.

A cancer diagnosis often causes great anxiety, but in actuality, prostate cancer develops very slowly compared to other cancers and does not often pose an imminent threat to life. A chart featured in Scholz and Blum’s book compares the average length of life of people whose cancer returns after surgery. In the case of colon cancer, they live on average two more years, but prostate cancer patients live another 18.5 years.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, prostate cancer patients do not die from it but rather from something else, whether they are treated for it or not. In a 2023 article about this issue titled “To Treat or Not to Treat,” the author reports the results of a 15-year study of prostate cancer patients in the New England Journal of Medicine. Only 3% of the men in the study died of prostate cancer, and getting radiation or surgery for it did not seem to offer much statistical benefit over “active surveillance.”
Dr. Scholz confirms this, writing that “studies indicate that these treatments [radiation and surgery] reduce mortality in men with Low and Intermediate-Risk disease by only 1% to 2% and by less than 10% in men with High-Risk disease.”

Nowadays prostate surgery is a dangerous treatment choice, but it is still widely recommended by doctors, especially in Japan. Sadly, it also seems to be unnecessary. One study cited in Ablin and Piana’s book concluded that “PSA mass screening resulted in a huge increase in the number of radical prostatectomies. There is little evidence for improved survival outcomes in the recent years…”

However, a number of urologists urge their patients not to wait to get prostate surgery, threatening them with imminent death if they do not. Ralph Blum, a prostate cancer patient, was told by one urologist, “Without surgery you’ll be dead in two years.” Many will recall that similar death threats were also a common feature of Covid mRNA-injection promotion.

Weighing against prostate surgery are various risks, including death and long-term impairment, since it is a very difficult procedure, even with newer robotic technology. According to Dr. Scholz, about 1 in 600 prostate surgeries result in the death of the patient. Much higher percentages suffer from incontinence (15% to 20%) and impotence after surgery. The psychological impact of these side effects is not a minor problem for many men.

In light of the significant risks and little proven benefit of treatment, Dr. Scholz censures “the urology world’s persistent overtreatment mindset.” Clearly, excessive PSA screening led to inflicting unnecessary suffering on many men. More recently, the Covid phenomenon has been an even more dramatic case of medical overkill.

Ablin and Piana’s book makes an observation that also sheds a harsh light on the Covid medical response: “Isn’t cutting edge innovation that brings new medical technology to the market a good thing for health-care consumers? The answer is yes, but only if new technologies entering the market have proven benefit over the ones they replace.”

That last point especially applies to Japan right now, where people are being urged to receive the next-generation mRNA innovation–the self-amplifying mRNA Covid vaccine. Thankfully, a number seem to be resisting this time.


Why Hackers May Be Targeting You


There are only two types of companies: those that have been hacked, and those that will be.” – Robert Mueller, 6th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 2001–2013.

In the digital age, it’s a popular misconception that “hackers only go after big targets.” Many small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) operate under the misconception that they are too small to be of interest to hackers. However, the reality is altogether different. Cybercrime is a numbers game and even a small success can be a significant payday. In fact, SMBs are often the prime targets for hackers due to their perceived vulnerabilities.

Keep reading:

Fear, Loathing and the Jab

David CM Carter’s Observations from the UK

Late in the afternoon, I received an apologetic email from Mr. David CM Carter, who has been trying to spin up a rally in the UK to advance the cause of pushing back for truth from the UK National Health Service regarding the infamous COVID jabs, which have proven neither safe nor effective. Unfortunately, he has had to cancel the planned November event, which I had agreed to participate in despite my reservations concerning the retaliatory censorship policies of the far-left “Starmer” Labor government. But for whatever reason, David had felt it necessary to provide me with an update regarding the various reasons (and excuses) he had encountered from various influential Brits that he had approached for funding and support for the planned “The Truth Contract” rally. His observations and insights are unique in my experience, and go a long way to addressing the vexing question of why so few of those guilty are coming clean and unburdening themselves after these last five years of propaganda, “mass formation”, PsyWar and just plain rampant lies.

Basically, it seems to distill down to the classic phrase coined by gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Fear and (self) Loathing.

The following summarizes, in his own words, David’s hard-won lessons regarding the timid classes. Keep in mind the observation that it is easy to tell yourself stories about what you would have done, given the opportunity, when confronting Hitler’s Fascist Totalitarian regime. What you did during the past five years of the COVID crisis has been proof of the pudding. Did you pass the test?


1.     Employers do not want to acknowledge that they may have mandated employees to get a jab, that with hindsight, they should not have done so and potentially stir up class action lawsuits and so cannot be seen to be interested professionally – and are not willing or are too scared to expose themselves privately. There is a lot of fear of legal action on employers by employees if the government and the legal system accept that it should never have been mandated and advice reversed.

2.     Larger professional services firms have earned hundreds of millions of $$$ selling advertising and consulting services – and do not wish to be associated with an event that could implicate them in any way – in particular the ability to secure future work. Even though they totally agree privately that the mRNA rollout should be stopped. They are concerned that all future such revenues would be stopped if their firms were associated with ‘outing’ the entire fraud that it so clearly was.

3.     People who have been jabbed are ‘bad news resistant’. They even seem to be ‘protocol advice to help heal’ resistant.

4.     I have learned a lot over the last 3 months in terms of who is interested in learning more about our topic – and who is not – and why they are not interested. I have been shocked and saddened at some of what I have learned. It has also made me have to snap out of a similar naivety I had to also snap out of 10 years ago, when I learned that child sex trafficking was a real thing. Greed and Power at any cost seems to be the order of the day with so many involved directly and indirectly. And ‘following orders’. It is sad and horrible to have to swallow and understand. Especially with friends whom I thought would rise above all the nonsense. <RWM: Fascinating parallel to the child sex trafficking issue, and note the similarities to Hannah Arendt’s “Banality of Evil”?>

5.     Having said that countries like Slovakia have stopped the use of and roll out of mRNA – I heard that El Salvador will be doing the same – and a few other countries are close behind.

6.     Of course, the BIG hope is that RFK Jr gets into power and can stop it in the USA – which will mean many of the other sheep nations around the world will follow. Plus of course we have Andrew Bridgen whom you know as Chairman of our Advisory Council at The Truth Contract.

7.     Many ordinary people are waking up to C19 and it having been a big scam, that should not have happened. But sadly, there is also a lot of governmental and corporate momentum to ‘forgive and forget’ and ‘sweep it all under the rug’ and ‘move on’ hoping it doesn’t come back to bite them in the a__ later.

8.     It has been an ‘interesting’ and frustrating few months talking to people – all of whom accept that what we would have discussed and shared at the event is likely ‘true’ and ‘useful’ information – but it just seems that they feel it’s too risky to be associated with such an event in a professional capacity.

9.     All of the interest that we have received has been from people who had intuitively avoided the jab altogether (but don’t really understand the longer-term dangers to the wider population – even though they accept that they must exist) or those who took one or two shots and then suffered some kind of adverse reaction (and equally don’t understand the wider implications but are concerned at their lack of knowledge). These folk are interested in finding out more. But they are ‘consumers’ (like the Highwire audience) vs business and governmental decision makers.

10.     There are polar differences in attitudes of “Family Office” principals (how to gain from the mess) vs next gen (how to solve the mess – but who fear breaking free and doing something about it). One example of “Family Office” principals being the Gates Foundation people, as well as physicians who specialize in caring for the families of high-net-worth persons.

11.     There is controlled opposition embedded within alt media – which are functionally focused on creating fear porn vs creating solutions.

NGO’s cover a multiple of sins, and there is Corporate and Family Office agency capture of many. With the left hand Gates feeds GAVI, CEPI, and WHO. With the right hand he makes millions from vaccines. The Wellcome Trust was a family office when established. Philanthrocapitalism at its best.

Look at Net Zero and Climate. Left hand feeds ‘research’ and propaganda. Right hand makes millions out of arbitrage and insider trading.

Sometimes NGOs are corrupted by Family Offices (as above). Sometimes they are corrupted by big business (CDC/FDA by Big Pharma). And Family Offices invest in big pharma because they know how the agency has been corrupted.

This happens in all the Truth Contract 10 topics (see below).

A recent example is chronic disease in the US – as has been so brilliantly explained by the Means siblings on the Tucker and Rogan podcasts in the last few weeks.

The same model is rolled out in every Industrial Complex – not just pharma.

Truth Contract Topics

Field study finds using biodiversity instead of pesticides can reduce crop damage from herbivores

This article was originally published by Melanie Nyfeler, University of Zurich on October 7, 2024.

Pesticides aren’t always necessary. Researchers at the University of Zurich have conducted a comprehensive field study showing that damage from herbivores can be reduced by using biodiversity within a plant species. Different plant genotypes can cooperate to help fend off herbivorous insects. The study is published in the journal Nature Communications.

Just like humans, plants interact with the individuals around them. For example, if the people around you are more susceptible to infections, your own risk of getting infected increases, and vice versa.

The same is true for plants. When different genetic types of the same  are mixed and planted together, some combinations are more resistant to pests and diseases. This positive biodiversity effect is known as associative resistance.

Food security and preservation

One of the key challenges of modern society lies in reconciling  and the preservation of the environment and biodiversity. Pests and diseases pose serious threats to crops, making chemical agents like pesticides crucial in agriculture. However, pesticides can reduce the biodiversity of insects.

“In this context, associative resistance could be a new method to ensure food production while preserving biodiversity,” says Kentaro Shimizu, Director of the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at UZH.

But which combinations of plant genotypes should be planted together to effectively resist pests and diseases? For example, if one selects two genotypes from a total of 199 genotypes, there are 19,701 possible combinations. Researchers at UZH have now developed new methods of genomic prediction using a  to analyze interactions between individuals at the genetic level.

Extensive fieldwork in the research garden

First, the researchers conducted large-scale plant cultivation experiments over two years in open fields on Irchel Campus as well as in Japan. For the 199 genotypes of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana collected from around the world, genomic DNA information was already available. The researchers randomly mixed and planted 30+ individuals from each of the genotypes for a total of 6,400 plants.

“To count 52,707 insects on 6,400 plants, the senior researcher Yasuhiro Sato spent months in the research garden. This amazing dataset, collected by taking advantage of the research garden at the Irchel campus, was the key to this study,” says Shimizu.

Until now, there were no methods to analyze which genomic regions underpin interactions such as associative resistance between neighboring plant individuals. Yasuhiro Sato and his team therefore developed a new analytical method called Neighbor GWAS.

This method applies a model used in physics to analyze interactions between magnets to the interactions between neighboring plant individuals. It examines how herbivore damage is affected when individuals with specific genetic DNA sequences are adjacent, based on the actual results from field experiments.

Up to 25% less herbivore damage

From the analysis using this new method, it was shown that numerous genes are involved in interactions with surrounding individuals. Using a machine learning method, the researchers were able to predict herbivore damage and identified beneficial  combinations for which associative resistance was predicted.

The research team conducted another large-scale field experiment over two years, planting around 2,000 plant individuals in pairs of genotypes for which three different levels of associative resistance were predicted. This experiment revealed that, compared to planting a single genotype, mixing two genotypes reduced herbivore damage by 24.8% and 22.7%, respectively, for the highest and second-highest associative resistance level.

Future developments

“From the perspective of basic research, this can be seen as a landmark in the study of interactions between plant individuals,” says Shimizu. “It highlights the importance of biodiversity in two ways. First, the genetic diversity of crops themselves can reduce pest damage. Second, reducing the use of pesticides in agricultural settings can contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, including that of insects.”

Meta-analyses with Bernhard Schmid as co-author have shown that in crops such as wheat or rice, yield increases from 4%–16% are achieved if random genotypes are mixed in the field. According to Shimizu, for these important agricultural plant species whose genomes are known, the new method makes it possible to predict mixtures of specific plant genotypes that maximize associative resistance, thus increasing yield even further while at the same time saving on pesticide use.

More information: Tiantian Huang et al, Cultivar mixtures increase crop yields and temporal yield stability globally. A meta-analysis, Agronomy for Sustainable Development (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s13593-024-00964-6

Yasuhiro Sato et al, Reducing herbivory in mixed planting by genomic prediction of neighbor effects in the field, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-52374-7 ,

mRNA COVID Jab Ingredient N1-Methyl-Pseudouridine (m1Ψ) ‘Stimulated Cancer Growth and Metastasis’

A new study published earlier this month in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules confirms that an ingredient in mRNA COVID-19 injections called N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) increases cancer growth and spread.

m1Ψ is a component of the Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. mRNA jabs.

The new study provides evidence “that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development.”

The authors point out how during the massive COVID vaccination campaigns, it was “frequently stated [that] the benefits [of taking the jab] outweigh the risks.”

“However, after the third dose, the risk exceeds the benefits, especially for the elderly and immunocompromised individuals, so health authorities should re-evaluate the real usefulness of continuing to administer boosters,” they argue.

The authors critique the jab further, explaining that there is increasing evidence that mRNA vaccines do not provide complete immunity, which could lead to repeated infections, and that the shots can disrupt crucial immune processes.

“Mounting evidence indicates that these vaccines, like many others, do not generate sterilizing immunity, leaving people vulnerable to recurrent infections,” they write. “Additionally, it has been discovered that the mRNA vaccines inhibit essential immunological pathways, thus impairing early interferon signaling.”

The evidence drove the authors to recommend future clinical trials that use mRNA vaccines with less m1Ψ in order to avoid weakening the immune system.

“Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression,” they conclude.

Meanwhile, another peer-reviewed study published this month in Cureus found significant increases in mortality rates of all cancer types in 2022 after the majority of the Japanese population received doses of the COVID mRNA shot.

“Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine,” the study reads.

(Tom: Just did several unsuccessful internet searches looking for what would remove, deactivate or otherwise mitigate the bodily harm from N1-methyl-pseudouridine.)

‘At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements’—Including Toxic Arsenic, Aluminum, Mercury—in COVID-19 Shots: ‘International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research’

Jab rollout amounts to “worldwide iatrogenic event” that “has already killed 0.213 ± 0.006% of the world’s population (1 death per every 470 living people)” in “less than 3 years. That is over 17 million people!”

The groundbreaking analysis used Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) to uncover a cocktail including toxic elements within these vaccines.

Researchers found elements ranging from heavy metals to lanthanides, some of which have known toxic effects on human health.

The study reads: “Among the undeclared chemical elements were detected 11 of the 15 cytotoxic lanthanides used in electronic devices and optogenetics. In addition, among the undeclared elements were all 11 of the heavy metals: chromium was found in 100% of the samples; arsenic 82%; nickel 59%; cobalt and copper 47%; tin 35%; cadmium, lead and manganese in 18%; and mercury in 6%.”

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Tom: I consider it imperative that, vaccinated or not (as the vaccinated are “shedding” components of the jab to the unvaccinated) you take steps to reduce your risk of harm.

I am developing products to do just that for me, my family and clients. Here’s the first:

More will follow as research uncovers other vectors of harm and possible remediations for them. For instance it has been reported that methylene blue will work against the nanotechnology in the blood from the jabs. You can get it through my affiliate link at:  If you are not already a customer this may entitle you to a discount.

If you don’t wish to buy my offering, please purchase someone else’s. Here is another option:

Ultimate Detox Bundle