Bit of a must-read this one: Basics of the Human Immune System Prior to Introduction of Vaccines

Are Vaccines Turning Our Children’s Immune Systems Inside Out?
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I know some people must think I am a conspiracy theorist

A mind has to be open to be boggled. A closed mind rejects anything outside comfortable parameters and refuses to believe it. Truth is, the biggest conspiracy is that there is no conspiracy. For instance, did you know that Obama’s top science advisor John Holdren advocates mass sterilizations, forced abortions and a global Police Force? Coming attractions in the political circus close to you?

ClimateGate and Carbon Tax Scam

A friend asked me for a synopsis on why I believe a carbon tax based on man-caused increase in Co2 emissions was fraudulent and a scam. Here is what I sent him.
The significance of Galileo:
An explanation of the Galileo movement:
A quote from that site:
The weakness of the climate change proponent’s cases are that:
– only five IPCC reviewers of the core Chapter 9 (science) of the 2007 report endorse claim of warming caused by man made CO2, not 4000 as claimed;
– 5587 reference cited and relied upon by the 2007 IPCC report were never peer reviewed despite the chairman’s claims of 100% peer reviewed science;
– the IPCC, Al Gore and prominent Australian proponents gloss over real world science proving that CO2 is a consequence of temperature, not a cause; and
– each of the four IPCC reports relies on fallacy.
The people of Australia have a right to question why sections of the scientific community continue to roll out a series of impending dooms without all sides of the argument being aired.
The movement:

Ex pharma sales rep Gwen Olsen says Big Pharma only interested in profits, not health

Gwen Olsen, an ex-pharmaceutical sales representative, is using her personal experience and insider knowledge to turn the tables on Big Pharma and tell people the disturbing and disheartening truth about the highly corrupt industry:
If you like this tip visit for over 400 pages of tips like this on how to live the healthiest live.